Wednesday, December 24, 2008

One more day...

Woot it's Christmas Eve! So, have you ever wondered why we say "Merry Christmas" whereas people in the U.K. say "Happy Christmas" ? To me it seems it should be the other way around. I don't know.
So I'm just sitting here...blogging....and watching "Elf" and eating gingerbread dough. How festive. So seriously, am I the only person in all creation who thinks "Elf" is an awful movie? It seems like everyone I know LOVES that movie but...really? the acting is...ehhh... and Will Ferrel is....ehhh... and the plot... ehhh. Granted, it does have its funny moments (*riiing* Buddy the elf, what's your favorite color?) but that barely makes up for the rest of it.
Anyhoo, that's enough whining, I guess... not much else to report. Merry almost Christmas or Hanukkah or Kwanzaa or Pagan Festival or whatever!!!


Gale Aeva said...

I don't think it is weird at all. I do think that people in the UK are weird though. On their news they had a story about a gang fight between an asian and black gang against a gang dressed up like Santa Cluases. That just isn't normal. And yes it does seem you are the only person who doesn't like Elf. I liked it but I am not like in love with it. Oh well, Merry/Happy Christmas.

Peppercorn said...

my mind works in strange ways. yeah, people in the englandish area are a peculiar lot...
i just wasn't all that impressed with it. then again, i tend to be hyper-critical.
thanks, you too--