Monday, December 15, 2008

FINALS WEEK!!! (*shriek and pass out*)

it's the moooost horrible tiiiiiiime of the yeeeeaaaarrr.........
so while all of my happy little comrades at other schools are getting ready for a relaxing week of merry holiday preparations, what am i doing? studying my poor little behind off in a mad rush to cram for final exams. how utterly revolting.
actually, the only finals i'm actually worried about are...well, all of them. though, luckily, i only have 4 this year. latin (shriek!), english (shriek shriek!!), biology (shah-reeeeeeeek!!!), and geometry (itty bitty little shriek-ette. hee. math oriented i am not.)
okay. inhale, exhale. rinse and repeat. but how many times.
eep sorry stress has made me a tad loopy.
the only thing that has kept me going this week is the prospect of my latin class' party on friday, and the fact that i get to dress up like proserpina (or persephone, if you wanna go greek...) all day. woohoo! oh, and bruscetta. brusscetta. brusccetta. clothesbrush. russetting. crustacean. argh stupid spell check. you know, that perky italian side dish comprising of garlic toast topped with tomato-y stuff. i get to make it for latin :]
okays well i had better go mark some quotes to use for my english essay tomorrow. unless i do the whole "shriek and pass out" thing. that might put a damper on my grades. ooh! like harry potter in the fifth book where he passes out and had one of his voldemort visions in the middle of his d.a.d.a OWL (or was it a different one...) so he got a bad grade on it! yeah! like that!
whew. sorry. i had one of my pottergeek epiphanies there...SEE?!?! this is what happens when i get tired and stressed. eep.

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