Saturday, December 13, 2008

nyeh...can't think of a title...

i got 14 hours of sleep last night, so i'm pretty happy about that. only it's weird, because having got up at 3:30, it feels like only about noon right now, but it's really almost 6:30. so i doubt i'm going to be able to sleep tonight...but maybe that's just as well, as i have a ridiculous amount of studying to do for finals. ewww finals. i can't WAIT until winter break. THEN i'll finally be able to relax for like the first time in a month.
speaking of school-related angers, i'm kinda mad at myself because i forgot to turn in my extra credit poetry for my english class. i blame the substitute entirely for not bringing it up >:[ i mean, i spent like an hour last weekend compiling poems from years past and writing them out and such, and they were pretty good, if i do say so myself, and then what happens? i forget. argh.
ah well, c'est la vie. i'll just have to do an extra good job (yeah i realize that was not grammatically correct.) on my the sound and the fury test.


Mary Beth said...

Good luck on your finals, sweetie! Thinking of you....

mfid said...

Emily... 14 hours! Lucky duck! Don't listen to blog ridicule:)

Gale Aeva said...

Hi, you probably don't know me but I go to your school and see you hanging out in the library a lot. Now that I have typed that it seems very stalkery but I don't mean it to seem that way. Anyway, you have totally stolen the URL I was going to take (which is how I found you by the way). And now that I read some stuff you seem like a pretty interesting person. Well, a very dubious one anyway. It is always interesting to see how my classmates view life in general and to be able to see how it differs from what I am currently thinking. Glad to be able to meet such a humorous counterpart online, and even one from my school no less. Anyway, question of the day, what finals are you most freaked out about? I don't have very many difficult ones this semester luckily even though I am kind of worried about Mrs. Roe's final. An answer back would be cool, but for now,

Peppercorn said...

to gale aeva:
dubious! now there's a good word.
sorry bout stealing your URL =] that's quite the coincidence. what year are you?
and it's all good, the world can always use a few mildly stalkerish people. jk.
ohhhhh yessss the latin final. blarrrgh. definitely NOT looking forward to that. i'm going to be spending my time for the next day and a half memorizing neuter noun endings and such...
and english. dear mr. william faulkner is the bane of my existence.

Peppercorn said...

to meeb and mailyn:
thank you, hugs and stuff!
and don't worry, i won't :]

Gale Aeva said...

I do enjoy using the words dubious quite frequently. One of my friends told me a story about his teacher who said it a lot and now I use it. It is fun to say, like oblivion, and shazam. Sadly I am only a sophomore, the middle of the bunch. Hope the rest of your four finals don't go to badly, even though I have all 8, which just sucks. Well for me it is study time.

Peppercorn said...

who is this friend? i probably know him. i'm guessing they went to st. charles? the middle school science teacher there says "dubious" excessively...
yes, shazam. half of my vocabulary right now consists of random sound effects. fwshaaa!
what is it with the whole world hating sophomores? the word itself even means "wise fool". >:[
no school today!!!!! i be psyched. i had my 2 worst finals scheduled for today and now i have a whole day to study! woot!

Gale Aeva said...

Yeah Alex N(somethingsomething) said it when we were trying to come up with the most awesome words ever. I had a chemistry and algebra 2 final scheduled for today so I am pretty relieved we get off. But I do not understand what is going to happen with all the tests and everything so slightly worried.

Peppercorn said...

oh yeah i know him. it's weird, i thought you sounded kinda like him, too. peculiar.
i was thinking of emailing my teachers about it, but i somehow doubt they would know anything more than we would... i hope that we'll be able to just take them tomorrow since i don't have anything tomorrow...but that's just me.