Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I thought this was a pretty snazzy color...
I'm utterly exhausted. I got back from my friend Kathryn's X-mas sleepover about and hour ago. She's been having these sleepovers since like 6th grade, and it's always the same people who come. We've all been together at school for 6+ years, so it's pretty cool...anyhoo. We mostly spent our time eating cookie dough, watching fairly-stupid-yet-entertaining music videos on Youtube, and IM-ing our friend Caitlyn's boyfriend and scaring the living daylights out of him. Bwahaha. I think on average we got maybe 4 hours of actual sleep. I woke up a couple times to find one of Kathryn's cats scratching the recliner I was sleeping on. Much fun. So yeahhh... I'm kinda drained. Imma go sleep now. Later gators...

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