I'm flying, Jack!
yesterday I FINALLY saw Titanic for the first time. i had been meaning to watch it for like the past month, and i finally got around to it yesterday. it was pretty awesome. now i know why every person i know was indignant that i hadn't seen it... basically every aspect of it is perfectly made. i mean, the whole actually going to the real titanic and the amazing set and costumes and special effects and character development... it's all done so well. and the fact that Leonardo DiCaprio is in it doesn't exactly hurt either. so yeah, all in all, a very well made movie. i actually did cry while watching it, surprise surprise, which is pretty big, considering the last time i cried during a movie was...never. i don't know, i just find it hard to get all that upset over movies. books, yes. movies, no. i did cry while reading the 5th and 7th Harry Potter books, which goes to show how much of a Potter geek i am... but yeah. anyways. all in all, a very very good movie experience.
oh, yeah, and i got to chill with my swiftly growing baby cousin, which was cool, and paint paintings for three hours straight. it was much fun.
So when I saw Titanic, it was in the movie theater. That is a long movie, and I had a soda while watching it. When it ended, all that water made me have to use the restroom. But there was now a long line at the movie theater restrooms. So we go to a gas station. No bathroom. We go to a Taco Bell. Only the drive-thru is open. We got to ANOTHER gas station. Their bathroom is out of order! Argh! I made it back to Bonmom's thank God. It was awful. This is my memory of Titanic. Also, that people made fun of me for liking it - beware!
The captcha below is "sostoppi" - "SOS! To pee-pee, I!" Very appropriate to this TMI post. Love you!
nice. i do believe the bathroom gods were wrathfully against you that day. at least you weren't dangling off the side of a ship...
why would they make fun of you?!?! gasp! well, basically everyone i know has been on my case lately for having NOT seen it, so i guess i'm good for now.
hee wow that's perfect! i've wondered for the longest time how they come up with those...the one i got was "colye". ???
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