Saturday, December 20, 2008

random contemplations.

doodle oodle oodle.... once i again, i be bored. i've read all my library books, my room's clean, i don't feel like doing yoga, and i've run out of canvases for painting. therefore, i immerse myself in technology. it's actually kind of sad. but ah well, when the alternative is watching "The Bee Movie"...
lately i've been contemplating the concept of conformity. it is, by definition, the act of being the same as others. therefore, nonconformity is the act of being different. so... if, for example, to stereotype, a group of "emo" individuals decide they do not want to conform, they dress...well, you know. but to an outsider, it can be noted that this group of individuals all look very similar. so, in the act of not conforming, they inadvertently succeed in conforming. and, can humans actually not conform? as humans, we are all drawn to the same tendencies and actions, and we are all, as a whole, inclined to conform at basic levels, at least. so sometimes it seems like any attempt to stand out from the crowd and be different is...futile.
but then, a lot of things are futile in the long run.
hm, that was a depressing statement.
soooo, on a different note...
anyone know how many calories are in a 32 oz. thing of McDonald's sweet tea? because that is some goooooooooood stuff. but, after my devastating discovery that 2 chicken snack wraps from macdo are equal in calories to a big mac (roughly), i'm questioning mcdonalds in general.
i don't know. that was just my 2 cents.


Gale Aeva said...

Well that was a fairly deep little passage wasn't it. But you do have a good point. Conforming isn't percieved as just being the same as everyone else anymore, I think it is more viewed as following rules and not being an idiot, because so far all of the people who thinks that they are "non-conformists" have just been stupid lazy individuals who do nothing but sleep and drugs. Guess its just how you view things whether you are a conformer or not, cause I could make the argument that no two people are exactly the same therefor no one is able to conform. But on the other hand, we are all people thus conform. It is just the grouping of the people that decides how conform-y you are or are not. And if you are really just starting to doubt McDonalds and all of it's goods just wait until you have health and get to watch super size me. You will probably then think twice about going there. And if you already think twice, then you shall think a third time just cause.

Peppercorn said...

yeah i've been known to be insightful every now and then...
well, see, it's weird, because to me the word "conform" has taken on such a negative stigma (yeah i realize that the phrase "negative stigma" is redundant). i think it may just be mr. hays who has drilled that into my head, though.
and also, the people who think they're "non-conformists" really aren't. they're existence.just something that's there. or so it seems.
i suppose that on a large level scale it doesn't really come down to conforming and non-conforming. simply because we as a species are very similar doesn't guarantee sameness. we do, in fact, have only a 9 trillion chance of being identical to another.

as for mcdonalds, i've been doubting its benevolence as long as i could doubt things pretty much, but now it's just hitting me all the harder. haha oh yes, the joy of super size me. (*scarred for life*)
and i'm DOOOOOONE with health!!! foreeeeeever!!! whee! i am only slightly jubilant over this fact, obviously.