Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmastiiiiime is heeeeeere...

yay! it's Christmas! i really have no idea what else to say on the topic...uhhhmmm... my home was a madhouse, as usual (but MORE so...), and i got jumped on by several small children at roughly 6:30 this morning. after the customary mad rush to tear the paper off of carefully wrapped gifts and proceed to throw said paper at each other, my siblings and i retreated to our own spaces to gorge ourselves on refined sugar and carbs and marvel at our loot. i myself received a new pair of bright red converse high tops, which made me very happy since my old pair had nearly finished disintegrating, not to mention plaid boots (PLAAAIIID!!! :]), black skinny jeans that happen to be very flattering for my rear end, various candies and teas, and a 6-pack of pomegranate juice. i also pilfered the water color set that my brother got to finish a couple paintings. all in all, a good day. now i have to go and make sure the stuffing and pies aren't burning... have a weird holiday!!


Girls on Speed said...

Merry Christmas Emily! Give our love to the rest of our Kathman Kuzzins!

Love "Girls on Speed"!

Peppercorn said...

You too! well, belated, anyway... i will, love you whooooooole bunches!