Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Oh, the excitement of it all...
WOW, did I EVER have a wild time. Golly gee, I got to watch Underdog, Pocahontas, AND the first 20 minutes of Hulk! I can barely contain my excitement! Not to mention the amazing canned soup I had for my New Year's Eve dinner. Mm-mm!! Deeeeelicious. The crowning moment was counting down the last few seconds until the New Year online with my younger brothers, who then promptly abandoned me to play cards. SUCH FUN!!! OH JOY, OH RAPTURE!
Oh sigh.
My life is just buckets of fun right now.
And how do I celebrate the first six minutes of the New Year? Why, blogging, of course!!!!
Please, someone just slap a sticker on my forehead that says "Lifeless Geek".
Ordinarily I don't mind being a lifeless geek, but sitting at home watching sub-par movies (though, admittedly, I adore Pocahontas...) with small children who spend their time fighting each other with brooms (I had to discipline Clara for chasing Grace with one) and BLOGGING, on New Year's Eve, nonetheless...It's just plain sad. Sigh. Oh my graciousness, is 2009 off to an exciting start, or what???
The answer there would be what.
I have to go now, Henry and Samuel are battling each other with feather-dusters...
Oh sigh.
My life is just buckets of fun right now.
And how do I celebrate the first six minutes of the New Year? Why, blogging, of course!!!!
Please, someone just slap a sticker on my forehead that says "Lifeless Geek".
Ordinarily I don't mind being a lifeless geek, but sitting at home watching sub-par movies (though, admittedly, I adore Pocahontas...) with small children who spend their time fighting each other with brooms (I had to discipline Clara for chasing Grace with one) and BLOGGING, on New Year's Eve, nonetheless...It's just plain sad. Sigh. Oh my graciousness, is 2009 off to an exciting start, or what???
The answer there would be what.
I have to go now, Henry and Samuel are battling each other with feather-dusters...
Party animal I am
Weeeell, it's New Year's Eve, and what am I doing? Staying at home babysitting all six of my siblings and watching Underdog, which is THE WORST movie ever, while my parents attend a swanky affair at IU with all the ritzy French cheese and Champagne you could ever want. Or so I surmise. Woohoo. Exciiiiiiiting. Well, this has a silver lining to it: My parents just bought me an iPod Mini off of eBay to replace my old Shuffle, which inexplicably decided to go kaput on me :[. At least my new one will actually have a screen. I'm excited about that...
So yeah! There's only two-and-a-half hours of 2008 left! Woot! Actually, 2008 was a pretty good year for me. Other than the crazy election, 4000+ point stock plummet, and basically all of my Algebra class last school year, it was downright snazzy! With any luck, '09 will be just as good. Happy New Year, y'alls, and don't get too inebriated. Later gators, Imma go watch Pocahontas with a six year old now! Wild, I know. I seriously need to cut back on my mad partying. (*Ironic sigh*)
So yeah! There's only two-and-a-half hours of 2008 left! Woot! Actually, 2008 was a pretty good year for me. Other than the crazy election, 4000+ point stock plummet, and basically all of my Algebra class last school year, it was downright snazzy! With any luck, '09 will be just as good. Happy New Year, y'alls, and don't get too inebriated. Later gators, Imma go watch Pocahontas with a six year old now! Wild, I know. I seriously need to cut back on my mad partying. (*Ironic sigh*)
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
I thought this was a pretty snazzy color...
I'm utterly exhausted. I got back from my friend Kathryn's X-mas sleepover about and hour ago. She's been having these sleepovers since like 6th grade, and it's always the same people who come. We've all been together at school for 6+ years, so it's pretty cool...anyhoo. We mostly spent our time eating cookie dough, watching fairly-stupid-yet-entertaining music videos on Youtube, and IM-ing our friend Caitlyn's boyfriend and scaring the living daylights out of him. Bwahaha. I think on average we got maybe 4 hours of actual sleep. I woke up a couple times to find one of Kathryn's cats scratching the recliner I was sleeping on. Much fun. So yeahhh... I'm kinda drained. Imma go sleep now. Later gators...
I'm utterly exhausted. I got back from my friend Kathryn's X-mas sleepover about and hour ago. She's been having these sleepovers since like 6th grade, and it's always the same people who come. We've all been together at school for 6+ years, so it's pretty cool...anyhoo. We mostly spent our time eating cookie dough, watching fairly-stupid-yet-entertaining music videos on Youtube, and IM-ing our friend Caitlyn's boyfriend and scaring the living daylights out of him. Bwahaha. I think on average we got maybe 4 hours of actual sleep. I woke up a couple times to find one of Kathryn's cats scratching the recliner I was sleeping on. Much fun. So yeahhh... I'm kinda drained. Imma go sleep now. Later gators...
Monday, December 29, 2008
My computer has been especially temperamental lately, and our internet has been down for a while. Not to mention that the flash drive thing won't recognize my iPod, and therefore won't charge it...which makes me very very angry. Even as I type this, the screen is periodically freezing up. I be irked. Sigh... i s'pose I'll go now... not much to report. Stupid computer. >:[
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Yay this made me very happy, as a classically trained musician...
This Yahoo! article made me sooooooooo happy. FINALLY, someone who agrees with my singer-related criticisms... check it out:
Especially about Celine Dion. Seriously, her breathy warbling nearly ruined Titanic's end credits for me.
Especially about Celine Dion. Seriously, her breathy warbling nearly ruined Titanic's end credits for me.
Starry Night
I know I just posted a post about an hour ago, but I found this image and had to talk about it. I LOVE van Gogh's "Starry Night", and it has offered a lot of inspiration to me as a painter. I think the thing I love the most is the orbs of light suspended in the air. In most of my paintings, I find myself emulating this glowing orbescence. Hm, I think I just made up a word. But yeah, in my last painting, which I titled "Iluminatory", had a plethora of floating, glowing balls of light or something. So yesh. Just a thought there.
Yet another day of doing mostly nothing!
So, yesterday, I think the most productive thing I did was paint and watch "Ferris (Faris? sp?) Bueler's (Beuhler's???) Day Off" at meus amico's house (yes, I realize that the Latin grammar on that was not correct... I be far too lazy to fix the adjective agreement shtuff :P). Yup, sure got a lot done. And now, after having spent the day reading the 7th Harry Potter book for the 6th time or so and listening to Xenosound's new-and-yet-to-be-released-to-the-public CD (which, by the way, is amazazing. Buy it January 24th!), I'm simultaneously watching "The Little Mermaid" and blogging. woot. La la la la la... not much else to reportify. Sooo...well, here's my favorite quote from The Little Mermaid: "Now, the snarfblat dates back to prehysterical times when humans used to sit around, and stare at each other all day. Got very boring. So, they invented this snarfblatt to make fine music." I don't know why it's my favorite. Mayhap it's because silly Scuttle is so...silly. Ha ha, I love Scuttle. He reminds me of me sometimes. Especially in this picture:

Gorgeous headgear.
So now I s'pose I'll just go back to annoying my siblings by reciting every line of the movie and singing all the songs... I'm belting out "Poor Unfortunate Souls" as I type this. Hee hee.
Gorgeous headgear.
So now I s'pose I'll just go back to annoying my siblings by reciting every line of the movie and singing all the songs... I'm belting out "Poor Unfortunate Souls" as I type this. Hee hee.
Friday, December 26, 2008
There's nothing to do, and I love it.
I am LOVING Winter's so nice not to have to get up and go to school! woot! Although, after a week or so of being alone except for the occasional six-year-old who stumbles into my room, my social skills kind of entropy, and I become very...inarticulate and awkward. I mean, more so than usual. Which is unfortunate when I do get a chance to hang out with friends or family. But yeah, other than that...this is all pretty snazzy. Weeeeelll... I don't really have much to report, so i s'pose I'll go eat or sleep or something. Uh oh, gluttony and sloth right there...please don't smite me. I guess I should try to do something productive...but really, when it's like 20 degrees out and raining, what can you do? My books are all read, my paintings are all painted, I have no motivation to brush up on my German...maybe I'll go to and feed starving children while expanding my vocabulary. Later, gators...
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Christmastiiiiime is heeeeeere...
yay! it's Christmas! i really have no idea what else to say on the topic...uhhhmmm... my home was a madhouse, as usual (but MORE so...), and i got jumped on by several small children at roughly 6:30 this morning. after the customary mad rush to tear the paper off of carefully wrapped gifts and proceed to throw said paper at each other, my siblings and i retreated to our own spaces to gorge ourselves on refined sugar and carbs and marvel at our loot. i myself received a new pair of bright red converse high tops, which made me very happy since my old pair had nearly finished disintegrating, not to mention plaid boots (PLAAAIIID!!! :]), black skinny jeans that happen to be very flattering for my rear end, various candies and teas, and a 6-pack of pomegranate juice. i also pilfered the water color set that my brother got to finish a couple paintings. all in all, a good day. now i have to go and make sure the stuffing and pies aren't burning... have a weird holiday!!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
One more day...
Woot it's Christmas Eve! So, have you ever wondered why we say "Merry Christmas" whereas people in the U.K. say "Happy Christmas" ? To me it seems it should be the other way around. I don't know.
So I'm just sitting here...blogging....and watching "Elf" and eating gingerbread dough. How festive. So seriously, am I the only person in all creation who thinks "Elf" is an awful movie? It seems like everyone I know LOVES that movie but...really? the acting is...ehhh... and Will Ferrel is....ehhh... and the plot... ehhh. Granted, it does have its funny moments (*riiing* Buddy the elf, what's your favorite color?) but that barely makes up for the rest of it.
Anyhoo, that's enough whining, I guess... not much else to report. Merry almost Christmas or Hanukkah or Kwanzaa or Pagan Festival or whatever!!!
So I'm just sitting here...blogging....and watching "Elf" and eating gingerbread dough. How festive. So seriously, am I the only person in all creation who thinks "Elf" is an awful movie? It seems like everyone I know LOVES that movie but...really? the acting is...ehhh... and Will Ferrel is....ehhh... and the plot... ehhh. Granted, it does have its funny moments (*riiing* Buddy the elf, what's your favorite color?) but that barely makes up for the rest of it.
Anyhoo, that's enough whining, I guess... not much else to report. Merry almost Christmas or Hanukkah or Kwanzaa or Pagan Festival or whatever!!!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
finally, a good movie...
I'm flying, Jack!
yesterday I FINALLY saw Titanic for the first time. i had been meaning to watch it for like the past month, and i finally got around to it yesterday. it was pretty awesome. now i know why every person i know was indignant that i hadn't seen it... basically every aspect of it is perfectly made. i mean, the whole actually going to the real titanic and the amazing set and costumes and special effects and character development... it's all done so well. and the fact that Leonardo DiCaprio is in it doesn't exactly hurt either. so yeah, all in all, a very well made movie. i actually did cry while watching it, surprise surprise, which is pretty big, considering the last time i cried during a movie was...never. i don't know, i just find it hard to get all that upset over movies. books, yes. movies, no. i did cry while reading the 5th and 7th Harry Potter books, which goes to show how much of a Potter geek i am... but yeah. anyways. all in all, a very very good movie experience.
oh, yeah, and i got to chill with my swiftly growing baby cousin, which was cool, and paint paintings for three hours straight. it was much fun.
Monday, December 22, 2008
silly silly me...
oh, yeah, and here's to you, altair! may the mutant bowling pins/penguins live on!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
XD ! (yay for emoticons)
lah dee is good. in general. i mean, seriously, i have basically i've ever wanted right now, except for maybe a pony...but yeah. i have just eaten a deeeeelisious feta and basil quesadilla at Laughing Planet AND totally dominated at Scrabble (though, granted, we did have to negotiate and decide that "ihy" was a word...), not to mention i get to make some easy moulah babysitting the best behaved kids on the i'm pretty jazzed about that. and everything else. it's weird, i'm just kind of ridiculously happy for some reason right now. not that i'm about to complain. well, other than it being bitterly cold outside right now. i think i have the right to complain about that, just a little... but yeah. my mood can be basically summed up as "FSHWAAAAWOOOOOT(*twirl*)"
imma silly person.
imma silly person.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
woot for dad
incidentally, today is 20 years to the day that my dad graduated from college. AND he's just gotten his masters. which is pretty snazzy.
idk, he wanted me to write that :]
idk, he wanted me to write that :]
random contemplations.
doodle oodle oodle.... once i again, i be bored. i've read all my library books, my room's clean, i don't feel like doing yoga, and i've run out of canvases for painting. therefore, i immerse myself in technology. it's actually kind of sad. but ah well, when the alternative is watching "The Bee Movie"...
lately i've been contemplating the concept of conformity. it is, by definition, the act of being the same as others. therefore, nonconformity is the act of being different. so... if, for example, to stereotype, a group of "emo" individuals decide they do not want to conform, they dress...well, you know. but to an outsider, it can be noted that this group of individuals all look very similar. so, in the act of not conforming, they inadvertently succeed in conforming. and, can humans actually not conform? as humans, we are all drawn to the same tendencies and actions, and we are all, as a whole, inclined to conform at basic levels, at least. so sometimes it seems like any attempt to stand out from the crowd and be different is...futile.
but then, a lot of things are futile in the long run.
hm, that was a depressing statement.
soooo, on a different note...
anyone know how many calories are in a 32 oz. thing of McDonald's sweet tea? because that is some goooooooooood stuff. but, after my devastating discovery that 2 chicken snack wraps from macdo are equal in calories to a big mac (roughly), i'm questioning mcdonalds in general.
i don't know. that was just my 2 cents.
lately i've been contemplating the concept of conformity. it is, by definition, the act of being the same as others. therefore, nonconformity is the act of being different. so... if, for example, to stereotype, a group of "emo" individuals decide they do not want to conform, they dress...well, you know. but to an outsider, it can be noted that this group of individuals all look very similar. so, in the act of not conforming, they inadvertently succeed in conforming. and, can humans actually not conform? as humans, we are all drawn to the same tendencies and actions, and we are all, as a whole, inclined to conform at basic levels, at least. so sometimes it seems like any attempt to stand out from the crowd and be different is...futile.
but then, a lot of things are futile in the long run.
hm, that was a depressing statement.
soooo, on a different note...
anyone know how many calories are in a 32 oz. thing of McDonald's sweet tea? because that is some goooooooooood stuff. but, after my devastating discovery that 2 chicken snack wraps from macdo are equal in calories to a big mac (roughly), i'm questioning mcdonalds in general.
i don't know. that was just my 2 cents.
i wish i could communicate how awesome it is to be FREE. at least for a couple weeks. the past month or so has been so stressful, and it's like all the tension being stored inside me is finally being released. i fell asleep yesterday at about 7 in the middle of watching "the princess bride" and slept until 10 this morning. also yesterday, i finally got around to christmas shopping... woot!
so now i'm just going to chill out until something better to do comes's so nice to not have any obligations right now. later--
so now i'm just going to chill out until something better to do comes's so nice to not have any obligations right now. later--
Thursday, December 18, 2008
i be bored, thus i blog.
testing 1,2,3...have any of the pictures been posted? no. no they haven't. drat. silly malfunctioning computer...
nyargh i was TRYING to upload some pictures from the days back in Chamber Choir from like 7th grade...they were pretty funny. only maybe it's all for the best, because emily l. (and probably chloe, and clara, and the other billion and one people who were in that choir...) would probably kill me. ah well. that was unproductive.
and no one answered my octopus question. i am deeply offended.
but i'll get over it in about 3 minutes.
ttfn i s'pose...
nyargh i was TRYING to upload some pictures from the days back in Chamber Choir from like 7th grade...they were pretty funny. only maybe it's all for the best, because emily l. (and probably chloe, and clara, and the other billion and one people who were in that choir...) would probably kill me. ah well. that was unproductive.
and no one answered my octopus question. i am deeply offended.
but i'll get over it in about 3 minutes.
ttfn i s'pose...
Another snazzy day in my life
well, i'm in one of my out-to-conquer-the-world-despite-the-fact-my-head
-is-about-to-implode moods. if it weren't for the problem of my not-so-seasonal seasonal allergies that have wreaked havoc on my sinuses and annihilated what little reaction time i have, today would be a pretty great day. my latin and geometry finals turned out to be easy as cut-and-bake cookies, which is pretty dang easy, and i got to sleep for an hour and a half during my choir period. that, and it's my boyfriend and i' boyfriend and boyfriend and and my boyfriend's..argh, forget it, OUR three-month-iversary.
so yeah, a good day, all in all. only part of me is very very sad, because my friend altair is moving TO TEXAS. in like less than a week!!!!! NO! now who's going to make me blush during biology by commenting on my religiously-affiliated predisposition to have a ridiculous amount of children?!! quite tragic :[
anyways, i don't have any finals tomorrow, so for now i can just veg here and stuff my poor sodium-riddled body with ramen noodles and peanut butter. sooo healthy, i know.
-is-about-to-implode moods. if it weren't for the problem of my not-so-seasonal seasonal allergies that have wreaked havoc on my sinuses and annihilated what little reaction time i have, today would be a pretty great day. my latin and geometry finals turned out to be easy as cut-and-bake cookies, which is pretty dang easy, and i got to sleep for an hour and a half during my choir period. that, and it's my boyfriend and i' boyfriend and boyfriend and and my boyfriend's..argh, forget it, OUR three-month-iversary.
so yeah, a good day, all in all. only part of me is very very sad, because my friend altair is moving TO TEXAS. in like less than a week!!!!! NO! now who's going to make me blush during biology by commenting on my religiously-affiliated predisposition to have a ridiculous amount of children?!! quite tragic :[
anyways, i don't have any finals tomorrow, so for now i can just veg here and stuff my poor sodium-riddled body with ramen noodles and peanut butter. sooo healthy, i know.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
yahoos! no school today! i think it's on account of ice or something...
i was scheduled to have my 2 hardest finals today, so i'm pretty psyched. only now i have no idea when we'll take the finals we missed... ???
this morning kinda stunk, because i got up at 6 in the morning, so i was already halfway ready to get my butt out the door when my dad told me school was canceled at 6:18. but then i got an extra 3 hours and 24 minutes of sleep, so it's all good. :]
i'm gonna try to get the remainder (read: all of) my christmas shopping done today, but mall-oriented i am not. so i might just put it off. again. sigh.
oh! and my family put our christmas tree up today...which is pretty snazzy. we've had the same old artificial tree since the beginning of time, with the same old hand-made it's really funny finding old snowflakes or icicles i made in like 2nd grade. how is it that expensive, beautiful christmas ornaments only last a year or two before breaking when ones thrown together from pipe cleaners and clay are still around??? one of the great mysteries of life. that, and how they make paint. lol.
i also got a good amount of sewing done...i had been meaning to alter a skirt for the past eon or so, and i finally got around to it. woot!
random question of the day: if an octopus gets one of its tentacles chopped off, does it become a hectopus? or if it gets 2 cut off, a hexopus? pentopus? quadropus? if it loses ALL it's tentacles, is it just a pus?
i was scheduled to have my 2 hardest finals today, so i'm pretty psyched. only now i have no idea when we'll take the finals we missed... ???
this morning kinda stunk, because i got up at 6 in the morning, so i was already halfway ready to get my butt out the door when my dad told me school was canceled at 6:18. but then i got an extra 3 hours and 24 minutes of sleep, so it's all good. :]
i'm gonna try to get the remainder (read: all of) my christmas shopping done today, but mall-oriented i am not. so i might just put it off. again. sigh.
oh! and my family put our christmas tree up today...which is pretty snazzy. we've had the same old artificial tree since the beginning of time, with the same old hand-made it's really funny finding old snowflakes or icicles i made in like 2nd grade. how is it that expensive, beautiful christmas ornaments only last a year or two before breaking when ones thrown together from pipe cleaners and clay are still around??? one of the great mysteries of life. that, and how they make paint. lol.
i also got a good amount of sewing done...i had been meaning to alter a skirt for the past eon or so, and i finally got around to it. woot!
random question of the day: if an octopus gets one of its tentacles chopped off, does it become a hectopus? or if it gets 2 cut off, a hexopus? pentopus? quadropus? if it loses ALL it's tentacles, is it just a pus?
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Fun in theater class
it being finals week, my theater class had a nice little day off to study. and, i having studied enough to make my head pop, got bored. now, here's where i made my first mistake: i told lily, one of my many theater groupies, to do my makeup. and here's where i made my second mistake: i told her to "improvise".
as a bit of background, we were in the boy's dressing room in our theater room (aka "black box"), which has in stock a plethora of stage cosmetics. if you don't already know, stage makeup is the greatest, nastiest stuff you will ever encounter. it's like halloween face paint, only greasier and with more staying power. gotta love it.
so, using a book of stage makeup ideas as her inspiration, lily set to work turning me into a lady from the "reconstruction era"... you know, powdered face, thin, dark eyebrows, big pink spots of blush, drawn-on beauty marks, bright pink lipstick...the works. i must say, i looked pretty snazzy. AND i went around like that ALL DAY. it was quite invigorating :]
i have yet to find out how to get pictures off a cell phone and onto a blog, but here's something that might give you an idea of what i looked like:

yeah. a freakin MIME.
only more colorful.
and with out the crying. :]
though, in retrospect, i find that i actually ENJOYED the book. understood, no. liked studying, no. enjoyed, yeah! i just wish i had more time to read it again. mayhap i'll check it out from the library...which reminds me, i STILL have to return "Les Miserables" and "Pride and Prejudice" to the library :P...note to self....
ah, yes, here we go:

now, just insert that face on a gorgeous female such as myself, and, well, there ya go!
as a bit of background, we were in the boy's dressing room in our theater room (aka "black box"), which has in stock a plethora of stage cosmetics. if you don't already know, stage makeup is the greatest, nastiest stuff you will ever encounter. it's like halloween face paint, only greasier and with more staying power. gotta love it.
so, using a book of stage makeup ideas as her inspiration, lily set to work turning me into a lady from the "reconstruction era"... you know, powdered face, thin, dark eyebrows, big pink spots of blush, drawn-on beauty marks, bright pink lipstick...the works. i must say, i looked pretty snazzy. AND i went around like that ALL DAY. it was quite invigorating :]
i have yet to find out how to get pictures off a cell phone and onto a blog, but here's something that might give you an idea of what i looked like:
yeah. a freakin MIME.
only more colorful.
and with out the crying. :]
though, in retrospect, i find that i actually ENJOYED the book. understood, no. liked studying, no. enjoyed, yeah! i just wish i had more time to read it again. mayhap i'll check it out from the library...which reminds me, i STILL have to return "Les Miserables" and "Pride and Prejudice" to the library :P...note to self....
ah, yes, here we go:
now, just insert that face on a gorgeous female such as myself, and, well, there ya go!
Monday, December 15, 2008
FINALS WEEK!!! (*shriek and pass out*)
it's the moooost horrible tiiiiiiime of the yeeeeaaaarrr.........
so while all of my happy little comrades at other schools are getting ready for a relaxing week of merry holiday preparations, what am i doing? studying my poor little behind off in a mad rush to cram for final exams. how utterly revolting.
actually, the only finals i'm actually worried about are...well, all of them. though, luckily, i only have 4 this year. latin (shriek!), english (shriek shriek!!), biology (shah-reeeeeeeek!!!), and geometry (itty bitty little shriek-ette. hee. math oriented i am not.)
okay. inhale, exhale. rinse and repeat. but how many times.
eep sorry stress has made me a tad loopy.
the only thing that has kept me going this week is the prospect of my latin class' party on friday, and the fact that i get to dress up like proserpina (or persephone, if you wanna go greek...) all day. woohoo! oh, and bruscetta. brusscetta. brusccetta. clothesbrush. russetting. crustacean. argh stupid spell check. you know, that perky italian side dish comprising of garlic toast topped with tomato-y stuff. i get to make it for latin :]
okays well i had better go mark some quotes to use for my english essay tomorrow. unless i do the whole "shriek and pass out" thing. that might put a damper on my grades. ooh! like harry potter in the fifth book where he passes out and had one of his voldemort visions in the middle of his d.a.d.a OWL (or was it a different one...) so he got a bad grade on it! yeah! like that!
whew. sorry. i had one of my pottergeek epiphanies there...SEE?!?! this is what happens when i get tired and stressed. eep.
so while all of my happy little comrades at other schools are getting ready for a relaxing week of merry holiday preparations, what am i doing? studying my poor little behind off in a mad rush to cram for final exams. how utterly revolting.
actually, the only finals i'm actually worried about are...well, all of them. though, luckily, i only have 4 this year. latin (shriek!), english (shriek shriek!!), biology (shah-reeeeeeeek!!!), and geometry (itty bitty little shriek-ette. hee. math oriented i am not.)
okay. inhale, exhale. rinse and repeat. but how many times.
eep sorry stress has made me a tad loopy.
the only thing that has kept me going this week is the prospect of my latin class' party on friday, and the fact that i get to dress up like proserpina (or persephone, if you wanna go greek...) all day. woohoo! oh, and bruscetta. brusscetta. brusccetta. clothesbrush. russetting. crustacean. argh stupid spell check. you know, that perky italian side dish comprising of garlic toast topped with tomato-y stuff. i get to make it for latin :]
okays well i had better go mark some quotes to use for my english essay tomorrow. unless i do the whole "shriek and pass out" thing. that might put a damper on my grades. ooh! like harry potter in the fifth book where he passes out and had one of his voldemort visions in the middle of his d.a.d.a OWL (or was it a different one...) so he got a bad grade on it! yeah! like that!
whew. sorry. i had one of my pottergeek epiphanies there...SEE?!?! this is what happens when i get tired and stressed. eep.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
nyeh...can't think of a title...
i got 14 hours of sleep last night, so i'm pretty happy about that. only it's weird, because having got up at 3:30, it feels like only about noon right now, but it's really almost 6:30. so i doubt i'm going to be able to sleep tonight...but maybe that's just as well, as i have a ridiculous amount of studying to do for finals. ewww finals. i can't WAIT until winter break. THEN i'll finally be able to relax for like the first time in a month.
speaking of school-related angers, i'm kinda mad at myself because i forgot to turn in my extra credit poetry for my english class. i blame the substitute entirely for not bringing it up >:[ i mean, i spent like an hour last weekend compiling poems from years past and writing them out and such, and they were pretty good, if i do say so myself, and then what happens? i forget. argh.
ah well, c'est la vie. i'll just have to do an extra good job (yeah i realize that was not grammatically correct.) on my the sound and the fury test.
speaking of school-related angers, i'm kinda mad at myself because i forgot to turn in my extra credit poetry for my english class. i blame the substitute entirely for not bringing it up >:[ i mean, i spent like an hour last weekend compiling poems from years past and writing them out and such, and they were pretty good, if i do say so myself, and then what happens? i forget. argh.
ah well, c'est la vie. i'll just have to do an extra good job (yeah i realize that was not grammatically correct.) on my the sound and the fury test.
Friday, December 12, 2008
curse thee, faulkner!
right now i'm at emily's house (not me. my friend. there are too many emilys in the world.) having fun studying for the sound and the fury. it is eternally irritating. argh. but i have motivation, once we finish studying we get to make cookies :].
just a thought. i LOVE how british people pronounce "strawberry". it's like... "strahwbree". it rocks my socks. or it would, if i were wearing socks.
mmkay. gotta go. i'm being ridiculed about my blogginess >:[
just a thought. i LOVE how british people pronounce "strawberry". it's like... "strahwbree". it rocks my socks. or it would, if i were wearing socks.
mmkay. gotta go. i'm being ridiculed about my blogginess >:[
Thursday, December 11, 2008
well, this has been one of the more stressful weeks of my life, but it's finally FINALLY coming to a close. other than studying for finals and steeping myself in Faulkner, this weekend will be a very very welcome break. i plan on watching Titanic for the first time :]
i just got back from my choir's holiday concert. it was pretty awesome, if i do say so myself. well, other than the fact that the ENTIRE choir, including our director and choreographer, forgot a part of the choreography during "Joy to the World". but i don't think anyone noticed nor cared...
so now i have to finish writing an essay for world history and i need to buy sheet music offline...AND i STILL need ISSMA music. arias, anyone??? please please?
nyyyeeerrr....i be very very tired...
i can't WAIT until winter break.
don't you just hate it when theater companies that continually refuse to cast you send you letters asking for money? it irks me. meh!
i just got back from my choir's holiday concert. it was pretty awesome, if i do say so myself. well, other than the fact that the ENTIRE choir, including our director and choreographer, forgot a part of the choreography during "Joy to the World". but i don't think anyone noticed nor cared...
so now i have to finish writing an essay for world history and i need to buy sheet music offline...AND i STILL need ISSMA music. arias, anyone??? please please?
nyyyeeerrr....i be very very tired...
i can't WAIT until winter break.
don't you just hate it when theater companies that continually refuse to cast you send you letters asking for money? it irks me. meh!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
you know i'm in a good mood when i'm using emoticons...
i just now finished my english poetry analysis test. in fact, i was the first to finish. which is either really good or really bad. or neither. i don't know. there could be a middling factor in there...
so yay!
my day started out kinda cruddy, but i think it's better now. my history test wasn't awful, i got to take home a parasol from my theater class's production of "My Fair Lady", we watched a movie in heath, and english was tolerable! better than tolerable, even. hallelujah! oh, what's that i hear? could it possibly be a chorus of cherubs singing Handel's Hallelujah Chorus over my head?
AND i used the word "facade".
i just now finished my english poetry analysis test. in fact, i was the first to finish. which is either really good or really bad. or neither. i don't know. there could be a middling factor in there...
so yay!
my day started out kinda cruddy, but i think it's better now. my history test wasn't awful, i got to take home a parasol from my theater class's production of "My Fair Lady", we watched a movie in heath, and english was tolerable! better than tolerable, even. hallelujah! oh, what's that i hear? could it possibly be a chorus of cherubs singing Handel's Hallelujah Chorus over my head?
AND i used the word "facade".
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
legitimate teen angst! woohoo!
well, i'm in a funk. it's strange, i've been in a ridiculously good mood for the past month-ish or so, but's just like, NYAR TO THE WORLD! what with the eeeeviiiil history test i have first period tomorrow, not to mention the fact that i left my textbook in the car and kristin, our nanny, took said car off to her bible study class and won't be back until 10:00, leaving me with nothing to do but mope and blog, coupled with the english exam over "the sound and the fury" i have on tuesday and am NOT prepared for, plus the conventional "the world is against me in every aspect today" thing... AND the fact that it's been raining all day... well, that there makes for a pretty moody me. GASP. it's like 8th grade all over again. eeeewwww. definitely do NOT want to revisit those years...
so yesh. someone should email me or call me or something so i can share my little emotional spasm i'm having. sigh. silly silly me.
hm, that was all very interesting. i feel so "mod", posting my feeeeelings on the internet for all to see-and-not-care-about.
so yesh. someone should email me or call me or something so i can share my little emotional spasm i'm having. sigh. silly silly me.
hm, that was all very interesting. i feel so "mod", posting my feeeeelings on the internet for all to see-and-not-care-about.
just some thoughts...some antagonistic thoughts...
I thought i'd change things up and write in purple today. maybe it's just the LOVERLY weather we're having (that is, if you think constant rain and greyness is lovely), but i've been kinda...bleh today. i have utterly no motivation whatsoever to get anything done right now, which is unfortunate seeing as i have an english test tomorrow, a history test tomorow (FIRST PERIOD, NONETHELESS.), AND i have to finish reading "the sound and the fury" by tuesday. AWFUL, AWFUL book. then again, i didn't like "this side of paradise" the first time i read it, but now it's one of my favorite books. mayhap it will grow on me. but until then, ARGH! i happen to like it when authors use punctuation when they write. FAULKNER, I SHALL SMITE THEE! oh, that i had the power to smite...
today in biology class we had a substitute, so while we spent our time cutting out small pieces of paper meant to represent nucleotides, my friends Altair and Victoria and i had some very interesting conversations about humanity, theology, the universe, parallel dimensions, and angst. it was very exciting. who knew we could be so deep?
it's funny, lately i've been having a lot of conversations pertaining to theology and that sort of thing. at least twice today, even. it seems to be a favorite subject of my peers.
i do love the fact, though, that i can have conversations with people about how funny the books of Deuteronomy or Leviticus or Job or (dare i say it) Songs of Solomon are, without being looked at like i'm crazy.
well, i get looked at like i'm crazy a lot...
never mind.
arrrgh i should probably go study for history now....ew.
today in biology class we had a substitute, so while we spent our time cutting out small pieces of paper meant to represent nucleotides, my friends Altair and Victoria and i had some very interesting conversations about humanity, theology, the universe, parallel dimensions, and angst. it was very exciting. who knew we could be so deep?
it's funny, lately i've been having a lot of conversations pertaining to theology and that sort of thing. at least twice today, even. it seems to be a favorite subject of my peers.
i do love the fact, though, that i can have conversations with people about how funny the books of Deuteronomy or Leviticus or Job or (dare i say it) Songs of Solomon are, without being looked at like i'm crazy.
well, i get looked at like i'm crazy a lot...
never mind.
arrrgh i should probably go study for history now....ew.
Monday, December 8, 2008
decent pictures! hallelujah!
hm. i have no idea why the paragraph above this is underlined and bolded. oh, the mysteries of the internet.
random question of the day: what is the plural form of mongoose? mongeese? mongooses? mongi?
monday related joys
mondays. eeeaargh. garfield openly discusses his hatred of them, the mamas and the papas proclaimed that "whenever monday comes, you can hear me cryin all of the time" , and the boomtown rats spun an epic tale of a school shooting out of this loathsome day of the week.
though actually, this was an ok far as mondays go. despite the fact that i am loathe to think that i have a whole week ahead of me (complete with an abundance of tests and biology related busy work...) and that tomorrow has all of my less-than-desirable classes. once again, eeeaargh.
but enough complaining.
my hypothesis is that it is going to say this entry was posted at about 12:30. it's actually 3:28 right now.
we shall see if i am correct.
so...anyone know any good soprano arias i can sing for ISSMA this year?
i'm thinking i'll just go with the conventional "ave maria" if worse comes to worse.
all of you in the bloomingtonish area should come and see BHSN's choir concert on the 11th at 6:45. it'll be pretty snazzy. well, advanced choir will be, anyway. can't promise anything about the others...meh.
here's to you, the cheat.
hm. in retrospect, i see the possibitlity that we will now have a bunch of entirely random people and/or child predators who will attend our concert.
ah well. c'est la vie.
nyeh. now i have to go clean up glitter that my darling siblings spilled in the basement.
though actually, this was an ok far as mondays go. despite the fact that i am loathe to think that i have a whole week ahead of me (complete with an abundance of tests and biology related busy work...) and that tomorrow has all of my less-than-desirable classes. once again, eeeaargh.
but enough complaining.
my hypothesis is that it is going to say this entry was posted at about 12:30. it's actually 3:28 right now.
we shall see if i am correct.
so...anyone know any good soprano arias i can sing for ISSMA this year?
i'm thinking i'll just go with the conventional "ave maria" if worse comes to worse.
all of you in the bloomingtonish area should come and see BHSN's choir concert on the 11th at 6:45. it'll be pretty snazzy. well, advanced choir will be, anyway. can't promise anything about the others...meh.
here's to you, the cheat.
hm. in retrospect, i see the possibitlity that we will now have a bunch of entirely random people and/or child predators who will attend our concert.
ah well. c'est la vie.
nyeh. now i have to go clean up glitter that my darling siblings spilled in the basement.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
what on EARTH is the deal with the times on this thing that says when something is posted?? right now it's 4:13 pm, but i bet it'll say that this was posted at some time noon-ish. weeeeird. it's like a time warp.
this is all very peculiar.
this is all very peculiar.
fun with shopping
i just got back from shopping with my youth group for "those less fortunate". it was very fun and antler-y. i'll try to dig up some of the pictures we took so you can see my gorgeous rudolph-esque headgear. my friend sara and i had fun singing songs from "sleeping beauty" (wait...that was only me doing that.), scaring eight year olds, hugging teddy bears and koalas, imitating bratz dolls (well, actually, that was just me, too...), and looking for bargains in target clearance racks. AND it was all for a good cause. yay! plus i got a pretty snazzy skirt out of the deal. and chapstick. i'm a chapstick fiend. not sure why.
now i have to do english homework. anyone have a theme for the poem "Digging for China"??
now i have to do english homework. anyone have a theme for the poem "Digging for China"??
Saturday, December 6, 2008
eureka! (what language is that??)

i think i figured out how to add pictures...
i have no face in this one...and it's from like 8th grade. none of my current pictures would load. sadness.
ew i just realize how awful my hair looks. a center part? really?
ah well. mayhap i'll find a way to post some of my slightly more attractive pictures.
hey, meeb, if you see this, help me out? much love.
more random stuff that no one cares about...
lah lah lah....i 'm bored. i spose i should be doing my bio homework....but i'm not in the mood to study the structure of DNA.
i'm pretty proud of myself, i just made some really good soup...
doodle oodle oodle...
does anyone else find it kinda strange that more people are killed every year by domesticated pigs than sharks?
i'm pretty proud of myself, i just made some really good soup...
doodle oodle oodle...
does anyone else find it kinda strange that more people are killed every year by domesticated pigs than sharks?
well, i'm pretty jazzed because i made a cool fifty bucks babysitting last night...but then i woke up this afternoon and saw that we already have maybe 3 inches of snow outside.
and this made me very sad.
i'm just not a winter person...i'd much prefer it be spring or summer year-round...and the snow is just a reminder that i have another three months or so of cold dreariness to look forward to. Not to mention that i had to forsake dinner at Laughing Planet with my boyfRIEND (THERE kathryn. i fixed it.) because our road is closed...grawr.
though, admittedly, the snow is very pretty.
i still haven't quite figured out how to put pictures on this, but once i do i'll take some pictures.
especially of mary (my one-year-old sister) in her "snow hat". it's fairly adorable.
i should probably go and eat something...i think i hear some ramen calling my name. yay sodium!
and this made me very sad.
i'm just not a winter person...i'd much prefer it be spring or summer year-round...and the snow is just a reminder that i have another three months or so of cold dreariness to look forward to. Not to mention that i had to forsake dinner at Laughing Planet with my boyfRIEND (THERE kathryn. i fixed it.) because our road is closed...grawr.
though, admittedly, the snow is very pretty.
i still haven't quite figured out how to put pictures on this, but once i do i'll take some pictures.
especially of mary (my one-year-old sister) in her "snow hat". it's fairly adorable.
i should probably go and eat something...i think i hear some ramen calling my name. yay sodium!
Friday, December 5, 2008
I'm baaaaack...
well, i'm back. i just figured out that i can't post all the info i wanted to on my "about me" thing (minimum 1200 character. pah.) so here's the lowdown on meeee. because i'm just that important.
the things that bring joy to my life:
-life in general! i'm one of those people who constantly has to reassure their peers that they are NOT under the influence of illegal substances, i'm just that happy. it's actually a little scary sometimes.
-music! good lord, music. i'm a bona-fide choir geekazoid, and as a matter of fact my dream is to sing at the MET as a coloraura soprano. but i also have a great appreciation for most rock artists (most. not all.), jazz, and what i like to call everything-but-country. My favorite artists/composers are the beatles (but who doesn't love them??), beethoven, schubert, perigolesi, springsteen (thanks brian), glen miller, elton john, led zepellin (once more...thanks, brian) and--and-- argh way way waaaaay too many to list. oh, and me. bwaha.
-my friends and comrades. or is that the same thing? whatever. i've known most of my closest friends since like 4th grade or before, so we're all pretty tight.
-goats!!!! i have 2, flower and artimis. here's a shout out to my hooved, furry, pygmy babies! wow that sounded straaange.
-contrasting patterns and colors. as you can see by my wardrobe.
-glittery things.
-mi familia (ooh i'm bilingual!)! allll of them. our family do i put this...very very abundant. but i love every single silly little one (yes, even you, samuel...).
- the theater community in bloomington. need i say more? we're all a bunch of freaks and i love it.
- Rhapsody in Blue, Let It Be, Pinball Wizard (the version by the who, not mr. elton john...)and Bohemian Rhapsody (whoa, thay was half rhapsodies! that's a good word, too...) oh, and movements twelve and eight of perigolesi's stabat mater. prettyful latin masses!
- dang it, i knew i was gonna have to say this and be all stupid-teeny-girly... brian. :]
-high speed internet
-the lotus festival
- british accents
-the bus 24 yellow submarine breakfast club-ish posse (hee hee)
-and manymanymanymanymanymaaaaaany more things.
well, that was fun and bloggerish. now some things that irritate me beyond belief:
-the use of improper grammar
- people who do drugs. sorry to the 75% of the student body at BHSN who are included within that...
-country music in general
-emo posers
-badly written novels
-the fact that i am seveeeerly movie deprived
-certain bus drivers... (ASSIGNED SEATS?!?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME???)
- really greasy food that i really want to eat but know i shouldn't...
-the 2008 election (but it's ooooover noooow!)
-dr. sanjay gupta (though, admittedly, he's a pretty entertaining robot dr. guy...)
- online personality tests (like i need a computer to tell me what my smile says about me or whatever...)
- the fact that pink is apparently a flattering color on me.
- my slow and temperamental computer
- prejudice (or is that the same as bigotry?...)
- i'm sure there are a few more things. but honestly, it takes a lot to get me angry. which i guess is good. because the wrath of emily can be terrifying. or so i'm told.
the things that bring joy to my life:
-life in general! i'm one of those people who constantly has to reassure their peers that they are NOT under the influence of illegal substances, i'm just that happy. it's actually a little scary sometimes.
-music! good lord, music. i'm a bona-fide choir geekazoid, and as a matter of fact my dream is to sing at the MET as a coloraura soprano. but i also have a great appreciation for most rock artists (most. not all.), jazz, and what i like to call everything-but-country. My favorite artists/composers are the beatles (but who doesn't love them??), beethoven, schubert, perigolesi, springsteen (thanks brian), glen miller, elton john, led zepellin (once more...thanks, brian) and--and-- argh way way waaaaay too many to list. oh, and me. bwaha.
-my friends and comrades. or is that the same thing? whatever. i've known most of my closest friends since like 4th grade or before, so we're all pretty tight.
-goats!!!! i have 2, flower and artimis. here's a shout out to my hooved, furry, pygmy babies! wow that sounded straaange.
-contrasting patterns and colors. as you can see by my wardrobe.
-glittery things.
-mi familia (ooh i'm bilingual!)! allll of them. our family do i put this...very very abundant. but i love every single silly little one (yes, even you, samuel...).
- the theater community in bloomington. need i say more? we're all a bunch of freaks and i love it.
- Rhapsody in Blue, Let It Be, Pinball Wizard (the version by the who, not mr. elton john...)and Bohemian Rhapsody (whoa, thay was half rhapsodies! that's a good word, too...) oh, and movements twelve and eight of perigolesi's stabat mater. prettyful latin masses!
- dang it, i knew i was gonna have to say this and be all stupid-teeny-girly... brian. :]
-high speed internet
-the lotus festival
- british accents
-the bus 24 yellow submarine breakfast club-ish posse (hee hee)
-and manymanymanymanymanymaaaaaany more things.
well, that was fun and bloggerish. now some things that irritate me beyond belief:
-the use of improper grammar
- people who do drugs. sorry to the 75% of the student body at BHSN who are included within that...
-country music in general
-emo posers
-badly written novels
-the fact that i am seveeeerly movie deprived
-certain bus drivers... (ASSIGNED SEATS?!?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME???)
- really greasy food that i really want to eat but know i shouldn't...
-the 2008 election (but it's ooooover noooow!)
-dr. sanjay gupta (though, admittedly, he's a pretty entertaining robot dr. guy...)
- online personality tests (like i need a computer to tell me what my smile says about me or whatever...)
- the fact that pink is apparently a flattering color on me.
- my slow and temperamental computer
- prejudice (or is that the same as bigotry?...)
- i'm sure there are a few more things. but honestly, it takes a lot to get me angry. which i guess is good. because the wrath of emily can be terrifying. or so i'm told.
Well, here i am being all exciting and 21st century-ish....posting the mysterious workings of my mind on the internet! how technologically advanced i feel...
anyways, i'm currently writing this while babysitting (don't worry--yes, i know where the children are--) because my wonderful employers have the magic of high speed internet, the likes of which i do not posess. possess. posess. argh.
lah dee dah....ehrm.
so lately i've been thinking that words that contain the "il" sound are by far the prettiest in our "iluminatory" and "tendril" and "April". Iluminatory is my faaaaavorite word eeeveeer. along with "facade", "poignant", and"inkling". among others. please don't ask me why, i don't know any more than you do.
speaking of. i have successfully used the word "facade" in EVERY SINGLE one of my compositions for my english class this year. i feel very accomplished. yes, i realize i have skewed goals in life....
hm. parents of the baby-sat are pulling into the driveway. until we meet again---
anyways, i'm currently writing this while babysitting (don't worry--yes, i know where the children are--) because my wonderful employers have the magic of high speed internet, the likes of which i do not posess. possess. posess. argh.
lah dee dah....ehrm.
so lately i've been thinking that words that contain the "il" sound are by far the prettiest in our "iluminatory" and "tendril" and "April". Iluminatory is my faaaaavorite word eeeveeer. along with "facade", "poignant", and"inkling". among others. please don't ask me why, i don't know any more than you do.
speaking of. i have successfully used the word "facade" in EVERY SINGLE one of my compositions for my english class this year. i feel very accomplished. yes, i realize i have skewed goals in life....
hm. parents of the baby-sat are pulling into the driveway. until we meet again---
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