Friday, January 2, 2009

Random Ramblings

Only 3 days of break left!!!! Noooooooo! This makes me very sad, just thinking about having a whole 'nother half of school to get through... sigh. Well, at least I have the beginning of rehearsals for the musical to look forward to! I LIVE for musical season. I think it's pretty much all that gets me through the months of January through May. This year's is a production called "The Pajama Game", in which I am to play the oh-so important role of "Doris/Chorus". DORIS OF THE CHORUS! IT RHYMES! WHEE! Despite the fact that I utterly loathe the name Doris, I'm pretty jazzed. Chorus roles are much fun. Sure, they aren't as prestigious as leads, but you only have like 5 lines to memorize and you can just goof off and sing and dance!!! Woot! So yeah....not much to report. Oh, yeah, my cousin Stephanie is at my house right now...she's pretty cool, even though she's only in 5th grade. She's a lot more well-adjusted than I was in 5th grade, I'll give her that. And I peeled a good amount of the skin on my wrist off with a hot-glue gun...that was enjoyable. Must go now, there are bathrooms to be cleaned! Fahshwaaah!

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