In celebration of the amazing Trogdor the Burninator, you should all go out and burninate something. But make sure you ask permission of your parental unit, first!
Oh, and hypothetical question of the day: If you were a 16 year old male with interests in rock music and 70s bands and that sort of thing, what would you want for Valentine's day?
Hypothetically, of course.
Haha hypothetically speaking and all, I would say someone should be more sneaky. Really though, if he is a 16 year old male with interests in rock music then I doubt he cares very much about what he gets from you. He is probably more trying to figure out what to get you. Unless he already got something, but this is all hypotheical so whatever. Do you even know what trogdor is?
Um yes I know what Trogdor is.
And I really wasn't trying to be all that sneaky, but I'm not one to come right out and say "Ah help I'm panicking because I have no idea what to get my boyfriend for Valentine's Day!"...eeeexxxxcept I just did. But whatever. Way to be helpful. Bah. Stiiiill panicky...
Aww you being panicky is kind of funny actually. But seriously I am sure whatever will be fine. Just take deep breaths and count to whatever and you will calm down or maybe not. It never really worked for me but I am never panicky just stressed. Either way you still have like a month to get something so why be panicky?
Grumble. But yeah, i guess it is. I get even more fluttery than usual...
And yeah, counting and breathing never worked for me either. Usually i would just hyperventilate.
Well, if you take into account that I should get something by at least the 13th and today is out of the question for getting something since I have no time and I'll be gone all day on the 25th and I have to still finish reading Oedipus for English...
That leaves me with quite a bit less than a month.
But ok.
Imma try not to flip out.
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