Issa froggy!
I'm reeeeaally tired for some reason. So, of course, I blog instead of sleeping. My logic is staggering, no? This morning I fell down a snowy hill while taking care of my goats and chickens, so I now sport a very attractive bruise on my knee in the most lovely shades of green and purple. Ah well, at least it's pretty. Just a brief synopsis of my today:
6 AM--got up. It sucked.
6:12-- went on mad hunt trying to find my green eyeliner. Found it in the guest bathroom.
6:15--finally finished getting prettied up, ate a muffin.
6:30--Mother alerts me to the fact that there is a 2 hour delay. Was very sad I had not found this out half an hour prior.
6:45ish--checked email and blogged for about an hour, geek that I am.
7:30--went outside in 6-degree weather to feed fluffy animals.
7:32--fell down hill. Ow.
8:00--slept until 9.
9:10--almost missed bus.
10--sat in library at school with friends, tried to persuade Autumn not to use the fact that I blush easily against me.
1st period--Histoire. Mostly talked and ate pie. I like pie.
2nd--Theatre! Ate more pie, played "clumps" and got clawed by Lily, and rehearsed a fairly ridiculous children's play (Da-da-da-da-da! Da! Da!) with Molly, Gray, Lily, Taylor, Yaba, and Nick. 'Twas fun.
3rd--tried to switch out of study hall, only other choice was life-guarding, got stuck in study hall, listened to music and tried not to sleep. Pah.
4th--English. Doodled (Betsy was determined to figure out how to shade a cylinder) and half-paid attention to stories about serial killers.
After that I talked to various people, got reprimanded for "PDA", and went to musical practice, at which I found out I have a solo! With a highly irregular rhythm, albeit, but still! Woot! I be very very happy.
So. yes. Then I went home and ate pizza and did geometry. And now here I am, bloggering. Doodle oodle oodle... Not much else to report. Now, wasn't that exciting? I'm going to go and watch a PBS documentary about lead poisoning, now...
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