So, I just saw The Dark Knight with my boyfriend, and holy COW was I ever missing out on some awesome Batmannish wonder. Though, admittedly, I had some issues with the clowns. Yeah, I'm one of those silly illogical people who is scared of clowns...don't scoff. They're creepy. Anyways, other than the many thugs in clown masks (Shudder...), the movie was flipping amazing. I'm really not sure how I've survived thus far without having seen it. Heath Ledger, of course, was awesome. Only one other thing bugged me though, and that was the discontinuity the movie had in relation to the classic comic-book version. For instance, (spoilers!!) Harvey Dent did NOT become 2-face in a burning incident, he had acid thrown at him while arguing a case in court! And Chief Gordon's daughter is DEFINITELY not that young. Barbara Gordon was in her teens and was Batgirl for a while, until the Joker crippled her, leaving her wheelchair-bound in an effort to torment her father out of his mind. So then she became "Oracle", who is basically a super-genius who helps Batman.
That was just my 2 cents as a Batman geek...
But yeah, other than that, 'twas amazing.
Now it's the first day back to school, but we have a 2 hour delay. Which, in all actuality, sort of pisses me off, because I just want to get it over with. Ah well. C'est la vie.
In other news, I finally got my new iPod! Whee! It's very pretty and titanium-ish. I'm also going to see Wicked on January 25th! I have been in love with Wicked since roughly 7th grade, so I'm very excited about this.
All in all, life is pretty snazzy right now. Except for my biology final. That won't be much fun.
Wow, a girl who knows the plot of batman so well is surprising to me. But it is kind of scary at the same time. I personally prefer Marvel to DC even though I try to keep up on both. DC wise flash is cooler but thats just me. Do you read the comics or are you a watcher of the cartoons? And if you read marvel are you as excited about the avengers movies and the watchmen movie as I am? It is a lot by the way.
I've been obsessed with Batman for a while. Just one of my many quirks that most people are very surprised to learn of...
Eh...I don't know. I personally am more of a DC person but both have their benefits. I don't lean too far one way or the other. And yeah, the comic books mostly, but when I was younger my brothers and I would check out the cartoons from the library...we've never had more than 3 TV channels. Sigh. But yeah, I heard about those! I probably won't get to see them, movie deprived as I am, but when are they supposed to be out?
Haha which ones there are a lot that are scheduled to come out. Thor is coming out sometime '09 Captain America '10 then the rest of the avengers get their own movie then a combination of all the avengers into one movie. Watchmen is supposed to be this summer, I think. 3 Tv channels? I would get bored pretty fast because all I did as a little kid was run around and watch TV. Eh oh well.
Wow, that is a lot...well, mayhap by 2010-ish I will have my car running and will be able to go see them.
Yeah, where we live there isn't a cable, and satelite dishes don't work because of all the trees. so we're stuck with the meager channels we can get with this antenna we made from Youtube instructions. At least we get PBS, that occasionally has interesting things on NOVA or something...
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