Friday, January 30, 2009
Phone calls and silly wishes
Today was our first day back to school after having three snow days. It felt really weird, though, because it was Friday. All day I kept thinking it was Monday. That did have its perks though; I came home dreading having to do my homework, then I had the happy revelation that I DIDN'T have to do it! That realization made for a very happy Emily. Then I spent a couple hours talking on the phone with Brian (ah, sorry Kathryn, "a" Brian...), who's in London, as I'm sure I have said...We had some pretty interesting conversations, too. For some reason we often find ourselves discussing religion and theology and the's pretty snazzy. I think most of my religious revelations and understandings have come from those discussions. That and us debating over the edibility of olives and talking about how we should form a cult and run the world, among other things. Anyways, that there's enough of my typical teenage "Omg I love my boyfriend swoon swoon sigh" crap. Moving on...
In other mostly unrelated news, today on the radio a little English boy was asked if he had one wish, what it would be. His response? (in an adorable little boy British accent, of course) "I wish, just for one day, for all farts to be visible."
Whatever happened to ponies or candy or peace?
In other mostly unrelated news, today on the radio a little English boy was asked if he had one wish, what it would be. His response? (in an adorable little boy British accent, of course) "I wish, just for one day, for all farts to be visible."
Whatever happened to ponies or candy or peace?
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Crazy Eights Parrot Faced Bagel Brunch Munchy Days.
Once again, I couldn't think of a title for this post.
We have nearly two feet of snow right now, and tomorrow will be our third snow day in a row. I don't think we've had this much snow since I was in like seventh grade or so...It was really funny watching my goats run around in the snow, though, because they're barely two feet tall themselves, and they were practically buried. Needless to say, they spent most of the day in their barn... Anyways, apparently it's about 40 degrees and misty in London right now. I'm very jealous. I'd love for it to be 40 degrees right now...I think we're hovering around the 15-ish mark right now.
So yeah, there hasn't exactly been a whole lot to do 'round these here parts...mostly I've just been painting and sleeping and catching up on my yoga. The downside to that though, is that since I've been neglecting my yoga regimen of late, my abs and hamstrings are really sore since I've started back up. Nyeh. There's really nothing horribly exciting or excitingly horrible going on in my life right now, other than that I still really need V-tine's day present suggestions... *panics* so I s'pose I'll go now. Oh, yes, and I've discovered the word "imbroglio" and it makes me very happy. Byes---
We have nearly two feet of snow right now, and tomorrow will be our third snow day in a row. I don't think we've had this much snow since I was in like seventh grade or so...It was really funny watching my goats run around in the snow, though, because they're barely two feet tall themselves, and they were practically buried. Needless to say, they spent most of the day in their barn... Anyways, apparently it's about 40 degrees and misty in London right now. I'm very jealous. I'd love for it to be 40 degrees right now...I think we're hovering around the 15-ish mark right now.
So yeah, there hasn't exactly been a whole lot to do 'round these here parts...mostly I've just been painting and sleeping and catching up on my yoga. The downside to that though, is that since I've been neglecting my yoga regimen of late, my abs and hamstrings are really sore since I've started back up. Nyeh. There's really nothing horribly exciting or excitingly horrible going on in my life right now, other than that I still really need V-tine's day present suggestions... *panics* so I s'pose I'll go now. Oh, yes, and I've discovered the word "imbroglio" and it makes me very happy. Byes---
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Cold, Grumbly, and STILL Wanting a Burrito.
Well, we here in B-town were the lucky recipients of a good four inches of snow last night, so there's no school today. I'm not very happy about this...I'm so sick of the cold and grey and...cold...(*shivers*) Even with a long-sleeved shirt, sweater, and sweatshirt, I'm still chilly. Oh, would I that it was spring... even endless rain is better than this. You can frolic in the rain and not get frostbite. Plus there's the benefit of flowers and prettiness... Ah well, at least I can go snowboarding today. That's one of the only good things about snow... I can dangerously whoosh down hills at breakneck speed standing on a wobbly sheet of fiberglass and trying to maneuver around trees. Grumble. That's about at close as I get to risk-taking these days... My snowboard is really quite pretty, too. It's blue with bubbles and clouds and birds that I think might be swallows on it. It looks like something I would design... Anyways. I'm just kind of rambling now, aren't I?
Oh, and Caitlyn, if you happen to read this, you should come to my house and I can teach you to snowboard again. Hee. Ehhh long-ish story there...
I still want a burrito. Anyone want to bring me one?
Oh, and Caitlyn, if you happen to read this, you should come to my house and I can teach you to snowboard again. Hee. Ehhh long-ish story there...
I still want a burrito. Anyone want to bring me one?
Monday, January 26, 2009
Sleepy, Bored, and Wanting a Burrito...
Today was rather bland, other than the fact that, by repeatedly smacking it against my dresser, I got my iPod to work again. Wheee... I've also had a craving for a Chipotle Vegetarian Burrito all day, which is very ironic, since today's featured news story on The Onion was titled "Chipotle Employee Just Gave Guy in Front of You More Rice". Weird. Imma hungry...
AND my boyfriend is in LONDON, so that just makes my drudgery even more...drudgery-ish in comparison. Pah.
(*Humming a chipper German aria out of boredom...*)
Okay, well, I think I hear some soy-based products calling out to me from the kitchen...Toodleoodledoodles...
AND my boyfriend is in LONDON, so that just makes my drudgery even more...drudgery-ish in comparison. Pah.
(*Humming a chipper German aria out of boredom...*)
Okay, well, I think I hear some soy-based products calling out to me from the kitchen...Toodleoodledoodles...
Sunday, January 25, 2009
My MUCH Needed Weekend, In Review:
In the immortal words of Hallmark's Yoyo And Hoops: "Weekend, Weekend, weee love the Weeeeeeekend! Aww, come here Weekend, let me give you a big smoochy-poo!"
While technically not the weekend, I went and saw "Slumdog Millionaire" Friday evening with Brian and his friend Patrick. It was, in short, an utterly amazing movie. However, it has left me with the lasting conclusion that mostly everyone in India is a first-class butt-face. Sorry, non-butt-faced Indians. But other than that, I adored it. And the little kids were so cuuuuute! Throughout the movie my protective motherly instincts kept kicking in because of them :]
To all of you who attended Xenosound's phenomenal CD release party: I commend you. It was awesome, wasn't it? To those who didn't: You missed an excellent show, both by Xenosound and the other band (what were they called again??) that played. They made nearly $600, I believe, so that goes to show that it was pretty snazzy. Once I got over my initial awkwardness, which for some reason always creeps up on me at events like that, I got to do some serious jamming and rocking out. 'Twas fun. AND I got a prime spot because I'm dating the keyboardist >:] . Bwaha. My ears were ringing for hours afterward...
But yeah, it was really really great. Only, for some reason they didn't play two of my favorite songs of theirs, "Trifecta" and "Reason to Believe". Ah well. It's all on the album... But yeah. It was really excellent, right down to Gray's rainbow-ish jacket thing/ feather boa ensemble and Brian's's....shirt... Um...well, maybe not that. Still. If you didn't have the chance to buy their album, it'll shortly be available on iTunes, Rhapsody, and Amazon. Or so I believe.
Today my brother Henry and I got to see "Wicked" with our aunt and cousin. I got to sit in the center of the balcony, with full view of the stage. It was really awesome. I would KILL to even be on the tech crew for Wicked. And the costumes are...indescribably amazing. And the SET! I LOVED the set. It made me all warm and tingly inside :] Actually, the whole shebang made me all warm and tingly inside *twirls happily*
So yup, all in all a very very good weekend. Goodness knows I desperately needed it... Now, if I can just get "No One Mourns the Wicked" out of my head...
While technically not the weekend, I went and saw "Slumdog Millionaire" Friday evening with Brian and his friend Patrick. It was, in short, an utterly amazing movie. However, it has left me with the lasting conclusion that mostly everyone in India is a first-class butt-face. Sorry, non-butt-faced Indians. But other than that, I adored it. And the little kids were so cuuuuute! Throughout the movie my protective motherly instincts kept kicking in because of them :]
To all of you who attended Xenosound's phenomenal CD release party: I commend you. It was awesome, wasn't it? To those who didn't: You missed an excellent show, both by Xenosound and the other band (what were they called again??) that played. They made nearly $600, I believe, so that goes to show that it was pretty snazzy. Once I got over my initial awkwardness, which for some reason always creeps up on me at events like that, I got to do some serious jamming and rocking out. 'Twas fun. AND I got a prime spot because I'm dating the keyboardist >:] . Bwaha. My ears were ringing for hours afterward...
But yeah, it was really really great. Only, for some reason they didn't play two of my favorite songs of theirs, "Trifecta" and "Reason to Believe". Ah well. It's all on the album... But yeah. It was really excellent, right down to Gray's rainbow-ish jacket thing/ feather boa ensemble and Brian's's....shirt... Um...well, maybe not that. Still. If you didn't have the chance to buy their album, it'll shortly be available on iTunes, Rhapsody, and Amazon. Or so I believe.
Today my brother Henry and I got to see "Wicked" with our aunt and cousin. I got to sit in the center of the balcony, with full view of the stage. It was really awesome. I would KILL to even be on the tech crew for Wicked. And the costumes are...indescribably amazing. And the SET! I LOVED the set. It made me all warm and tingly inside :] Actually, the whole shebang made me all warm and tingly inside *twirls happily*
So yup, all in all a very very good weekend. Goodness knows I desperately needed it... Now, if I can just get "No One Mourns the Wicked" out of my head...
Friday, January 23, 2009
Creepy spacey psycho girl, right here.
This week has been stressful to ridiculousness. What with having, oh, 3 history assignments, 3 books to read and a paper to write, not to mention a vocab quiz in english, ISSMA to worry about, and the usual drudgery of biology, I've just been one tiny little ball of stress whirring around. The only high point to this is that I compose some of my best music under immense pressure, like yesterday in biology. My classmates were ready to haul me off to the psyche ward because I kept going off into a corner, humming, and trying desperately to lock a melody in my mind.
Oooookaaaay, I'm going to go and have a cute little panic party now....
Weeeeeekend. I neeeeeed the weeeeeekend to cooooome!
Oooookaaaay, I'm going to go and have a cute little panic party now....
Weeeeeekend. I neeeeeed the weeeeeekend to cooooome!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Oh my darling dearest warmth, where oh where art thou?
Have I mentioned how utterly SICK I am of this blasted winter???? I hate cold weather SO MUCH. I was done with winter in, oh, November! And I still have February and March to suffer through! Aaaaaaaahhhhhhh! Seriously, just spending less than a minute outside leaves me shivering for another 10. Not fun. Not fun at all. In my opinion, it needs to stop being winter as soon as Christmas is over. I need it to be spring...heck, I should just get it over with and move to Santa Barbara, California, where it stays between 60 and 80 degrees year-round.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
This is how I roll...
My weekend hasn't had many extremely entertaining happenings to post about thus far, mostly I've just done English homework. We have a new student teacher, and she's assigned us a ridiculous amount of work to do by Wednesday, just to make us think she's tough or something. Or so I surmise. Though, in all honesty, she reminds me a bit of a cross between a colonial housewife and a horse. Ah, sorry, that there was spiteful of me...I s'pose I'm just a taaaaaad bitter about, oh, the first half of "The Sorrows of Young Werther" we have to read, the notes and vocab we have to take and be graded on, the daily journal entries, our impending paper on "Oedipus", AND having to read "Anna Karenina". Oh, and the claim that this is all meant to "help us" and "not stress us out". WELL GUESS WHAT?! I HAPPEN TO BE VEEERY STRESSED OUT.
Ach mein Gott.
On one bright note, though, I got to talk on the phone for 4-and-a-half hours with my boyfriend Friday night/Saturday morning...although that may be just a wee bit excessive. Oh, and it's our four-month-iversary. Woot! We've almost defied the whole "high-school-relationships-last-5-months-on-average" statistic thing.
Hey, I just realized that "statistic" and "sadistic" are very similar words, in are "bullet" and "ballet". That latter combo intrigues me, since the meanings of the word couldn't be more different. I mean, you have a cold, deadly piece of whizzing metal, and then you have a graceful and artistic dance form. I don't know, it just strikes me as odd. Speaking of odd words, the word "benign" never seems to me that it should mean what it means. It means something that's good, benevolent, or kind, but just the way the word sounds makes me think that it should mean something that's strange, or weird, or slightly twisted or just "off". You know? Like, "That freak show at the circus was weird. All of the people in it were so benign!" Or, "The aliens that stole all of Farmer Al's sheep looked rather benign, with their greenish skin and multiple clavicles." Or, "The questions on my English test did not pertain to the material we had studied, in fact, they were downright benign." Heck, even "My brothers are benign." See what I mean? Well, it all makes sense in my head, anyways...
Sooo...right now I'm babysitting the li'l tykes while my parents go grocery shopping (it's the only time they have to themselves, given that there are 7 of us kids...), watching "Wuthering Heights" on Masterpiece Theater, drinking soy milk, and blogging. How'sa that for multi-tasking? Ha, I feel like such a little geek. Yup, this is how I spend my weekend evenings...with Masterpiece Theater and vegetarian dairy substitutes! Yay! But really, Masterpiece Theater is the best. You get the benefits of idle television watching, AND classic literature! "Wuthering Heights" is a pretty snazzy book. Plus, you have to admit, all the Victorian-era costumes are awesomer-than-a-possumer. Aaaaanyyyhoooooo... I guess I'll be off on my merry way, now...catch ya on the flip side! Jeez, that was weird... :P
Ach mein Gott.
On one bright note, though, I got to talk on the phone for 4-and-a-half hours with my boyfriend Friday night/Saturday morning...although that may be just a wee bit excessive. Oh, and it's our four-month-iversary. Woot! We've almost defied the whole "high-school-relationships-last-5-months-on-average" statistic thing.
Hey, I just realized that "statistic" and "sadistic" are very similar words, in are "bullet" and "ballet". That latter combo intrigues me, since the meanings of the word couldn't be more different. I mean, you have a cold, deadly piece of whizzing metal, and then you have a graceful and artistic dance form. I don't know, it just strikes me as odd. Speaking of odd words, the word "benign" never seems to me that it should mean what it means. It means something that's good, benevolent, or kind, but just the way the word sounds makes me think that it should mean something that's strange, or weird, or slightly twisted or just "off". You know? Like, "That freak show at the circus was weird. All of the people in it were so benign!" Or, "The aliens that stole all of Farmer Al's sheep looked rather benign, with their greenish skin and multiple clavicles." Or, "The questions on my English test did not pertain to the material we had studied, in fact, they were downright benign." Heck, even "My brothers are benign." See what I mean? Well, it all makes sense in my head, anyways...
Sooo...right now I'm babysitting the li'l tykes while my parents go grocery shopping (it's the only time they have to themselves, given that there are 7 of us kids...), watching "Wuthering Heights" on Masterpiece Theater, drinking soy milk, and blogging. How'sa that for multi-tasking? Ha, I feel like such a little geek. Yup, this is how I spend my weekend evenings...with Masterpiece Theater and vegetarian dairy substitutes! Yay! But really, Masterpiece Theater is the best. You get the benefits of idle television watching, AND classic literature! "Wuthering Heights" is a pretty snazzy book. Plus, you have to admit, all the Victorian-era costumes are awesomer-than-a-possumer. Aaaaanyyyhoooooo... I guess I'll be off on my merry way, now...catch ya on the flip side! Jeez, that was weird... :P
Friday, January 16, 2009
Avocado Mousetrap Polyploidy Lexicon
I couldn't think of a title for this post, obviously.
Today my younger brother Henry, who's 13 and in the 8th grade, shadowed me at school today. It was kind of funny, because all of my friends and other various comrades were absolutely in adoration of him. He got a lot of "*Gasp*! Awww, he's just so...CUTE!" Ha. Heesa lika little puppy dog! He was also fairly terrified by my history teacher and by the various amorous couples in the hallways (of which I was NOT part of, thankee very much). But all in all I don't think he'll have much trouble adjusting. He was greeted my theater class, which is always good. Oh! and speaking of theater class, todayI also found out that I get to direct the children's play our class is organizing and performing! I am very excited. Lah dee dah dee doodle oodle dah.... weeell, bye for now I s'pose. Arrivederci.
Today my younger brother Henry, who's 13 and in the 8th grade, shadowed me at school today. It was kind of funny, because all of my friends and other various comrades were absolutely in adoration of him. He got a lot of "*Gasp*! Awww, he's just so...CUTE!" Ha. Heesa lika little puppy dog! He was also fairly terrified by my history teacher and by the various amorous couples in the hallways (of which I was NOT part of, thankee very much). But all in all I don't think he'll have much trouble adjusting. He was greeted my theater class, which is always good. Oh! and speaking of theater class, todayI also found out that I get to direct the children's play our class is organizing and performing! I am very excited. Lah dee dah dee doodle oodle dah.... weeell, bye for now I s'pose. Arrivederci.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Rhino's. January 24th. 8:00. Be there.
Well, today was bunches o' fun... We had a 2 hour delay, so that was pretty snazzy, but the rest of the day was uneventful at best. Well, actually, I lied. The one event was that I got locked out of my house for over an hour in 5 degree weather when I got home from school. Well, actually, I lied again. I got locked out of the house for about 20 minutes in 5 degree weather, then my bus driver came back to my house and let me sit in the bus for the remainder of my locked-out-ish-ness. I really need to remember not to forget my house keys...grumble.
Ummm... what else, what else? Oh,
If you live in the immediate Bloomingtonian area, you should all come to Rhino's Youth Center at 8:00 on Jan. 24th and buy Xenosound's debut album at their CD release party. It's 10 dollars, and it's totally worth it. I had the luck to obtain an early copy of it, and it is amazing, in my opinion. Most of you know how critical I am in choosing what music I like, so if I like it, it must be good. Though, admittedly, I suppose I do have a sliiiiiight bias as I am dating the keyboardist... But trust me. Xenosound is freaking awesome, and the CD is basically amazingness formed into a shiny little disk. Plus, I spent about 20 minutes before school today putting up fliers for it, so my hard work had better not go to waste :]
Later, gators.
Ummm... what else, what else? Oh,
If you live in the immediate Bloomingtonian area, you should all come to Rhino's Youth Center at 8:00 on Jan. 24th and buy Xenosound's debut album at their CD release party. It's 10 dollars, and it's totally worth it. I had the luck to obtain an early copy of it, and it is amazing, in my opinion. Most of you know how critical I am in choosing what music I like, so if I like it, it must be good. Though, admittedly, I suppose I do have a sliiiiiight bias as I am dating the keyboardist... But trust me. Xenosound is freaking awesome, and the CD is basically amazingness formed into a shiny little disk. Plus, I spent about 20 minutes before school today putting up fliers for it, so my hard work had better not go to waste :]
Later, gators.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Happy Trog Day!
In celebration of the amazing Trogdor the Burninator, you should all go out and burninate something. But make sure you ask permission of your parental unit, first!
Oh, and hypothetical question of the day: If you were a 16 year old male with interests in rock music and 70s bands and that sort of thing, what would you want for Valentine's day?
Hypothetically, of course.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Today was okay, except I had this awful migraine all through English and musical rehearsal, and I about passed out...And it definitely didn't help that everyone kept asking me why I was "sad" ("*Gasp*, did something happen with you and your boyfriend?"-- I think I got asked this at least 4 times. Why does everyone suppose that if you look less than exuberant you're having relationship problems?). But other than the blacksmith going to work in my brain, all was peachy keen. I spent the majority of theater speaking with an English accent, which was a lot o' bloody fun...
Ehrm...yeah...My sister Grace had her adenoids taken out today, that was eventful...
We watched "Kingdom of Heaven" in history...
I still only have one line in the musical...
Not really a whole lot to post aboot today. That was very Canadian.
Arrivederci, mon petite fleurs. That was very Frenchtalian!
Ehrm...yeah...My sister Grace had her adenoids taken out today, that was eventful...
We watched "Kingdom of Heaven" in history...
I still only have one line in the musical...
Not really a whole lot to post aboot today. That was very Canadian.
Arrivederci, mon petite fleurs. That was very Frenchtalian!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Brown Country fun
I just got back from Betsy's partay at the Brown County State Park cabin-y place, and I be tired. Once again, I exercise my superior logic by blogging instead of sleeping. So basically it was myself, Bretsy, Caitlyn, Kathryn, Kayla, Hannah, Jen, and other Emily just being silly for several hours. We went to the new water park thay put in and played water volleyball (I sucked), tried swimming against the current, and infilterated "Pirate cove" to practice our synchronized swimming and noodle-cannon-blowing skills. I, with my superior singer-lungs, dominated. I also had to experience the agony of fogetting water-proof mascara and subsequently looking like a racoon. But 'twas all fun...After we finished pooling, we went back to the cabin (but not before experimenting with the latest styles of "skank fashion"--none of us wanted to put our pants back on and risk having to wear wet jeans the rest of the day) and ate junk, mostly. Although, I did eat all the celery I could find. Then we opened presents, played Scatterogories and Guestures, inflated Kayla's lips (don't ask...), and watched "The Dark Knight". All in all, fun. Except for being made fun of by mostly everyone for my less-than-refined social life skills and apparently biased taste in music. But it's all grood...
So yeah...I have to go clean the house now, it's my sister Mary's 2nd birthday and we're having people over. Later--
So yeah...I have to go clean the house now, it's my sister Mary's 2nd birthday and we're having people over. Later--
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Trivial rambling
Nothing wonderfully exciting has happened to me today, except for maybe sleeping 'til 11:30 (aaaahhhhhhh...), so here's just a few random things...
One of my new favorite pastimes is going into Yankee Candles at the mall and reading each description of the scents they have. I've always been intrigued by the sense of smell, and how hard it is to describe smells, so reading their attempts at it is funny. It goes from things like "A manly, dark scent with hints of bergamot, musk, and sandalwood" to "A bright floral scent with lemongrass, jasmine, and sage" to "The warm home-baked smell of fresh cinnamon rolls". I don't know. I think it's cool. So, yeah...this all just goes to show how much of a life I have. I think it would be really cool to be in charge of writing those descriptions. That, or naming shades of lipstick. Seriously, my friends and I were at Target a while back, and we were incredulous at the utter ridiculousness at some of the names: "Sensual Sanguin", "Berry Blushed", "Mad Amythyst", "Cocoa Nights"....It was fairly silly. I think they give those kind of jobs to people in the psych ward. And don't ask me how I remember all of this...I have a highly selective memory. While I can remember exactly what the room in which I got my kindergarten shots looked like, I fail to recall what my geometry homework assignment was. I can remember the Preamble to the constitution that we had to memorize in 8th grade, I can remember the song we had to sing every day in 1st grade, I can go through my old house in my head. I cannot, however, remember my phone number (see, we got rid of our land line, then got it back, and I never bothered to memorize the land line number since we have 3 cell matter, though, I can always ask Brian what it is... o_0)
Anyways, that's that. It would be really cool to have a photographic memory... in 7th grade our Quizbowl team had to compete against this team that had a guy with one, and...well, let's just say that Kathryn and I are still very bitter. Veeeerry bitter...(*snarl*)
La La La Dee now I'm babysitting the little urchins, ahm, I mean siblings, and I need to go clean my room...and pack for Bretsy's sleepover...
One of my new favorite pastimes is going into Yankee Candles at the mall and reading each description of the scents they have. I've always been intrigued by the sense of smell, and how hard it is to describe smells, so reading their attempts at it is funny. It goes from things like "A manly, dark scent with hints of bergamot, musk, and sandalwood" to "A bright floral scent with lemongrass, jasmine, and sage" to "The warm home-baked smell of fresh cinnamon rolls". I don't know. I think it's cool. So, yeah...this all just goes to show how much of a life I have. I think it would be really cool to be in charge of writing those descriptions. That, or naming shades of lipstick. Seriously, my friends and I were at Target a while back, and we were incredulous at the utter ridiculousness at some of the names: "Sensual Sanguin", "Berry Blushed", "Mad Amythyst", "Cocoa Nights"....It was fairly silly. I think they give those kind of jobs to people in the psych ward. And don't ask me how I remember all of this...I have a highly selective memory. While I can remember exactly what the room in which I got my kindergarten shots looked like, I fail to recall what my geometry homework assignment was. I can remember the Preamble to the constitution that we had to memorize in 8th grade, I can remember the song we had to sing every day in 1st grade, I can go through my old house in my head. I cannot, however, remember my phone number (see, we got rid of our land line, then got it back, and I never bothered to memorize the land line number since we have 3 cell matter, though, I can always ask Brian what it is... o_0)
Anyways, that's that. It would be really cool to have a photographic memory... in 7th grade our Quizbowl team had to compete against this team that had a guy with one, and...well, let's just say that Kathryn and I are still very bitter. Veeeerry bitter...(*snarl*)
La La La Dee now I'm babysitting the little urchins, ahm, I mean siblings, and I need to go clean my room...and pack for Bretsy's sleepover...
Friday, January 9, 2009
Meh II
The remainder o' my mehtastic day:
I had "B" lunch today, which was okay, except my posse and I have been abandoned by our friend Matt, who apparently thinks that sitting with the marching band pot-heads is more fun than sitting with the people he's been friends with since kindergarten. What do I see wrong with this picture?
Other than that, it was a pretty chill day. All of geometry was spent listening to Ben, one of our more interesting class members, regale the stories of his adventures in Morocco. Then I spent most of biology drawing a portrait of Lily, as requested by her. So, all in all, pretty snazzy and very full of not-working-ness. And tomorrow I have the honor of attending my friend Betsy's third annual in-the-middle-of-the-woods-in-a-cabin birthday party. It's all much fun. Soooo....yeah! Not really all that much else to report. On a different note, was anyone else really creeped out/intrigued by the trailer to The Unborn? I really don't think they should have shown it at Twilight, because there were several pre-teen girls in attendance who I'm sure are now scarred for life by that freaky crab-walk-upide-down-head dude. Incidentally, I had a dream a few years back which had a guy in it exactly like that. Only with the face of my friend Garret. Weird.
I had "B" lunch today, which was okay, except my posse and I have been abandoned by our friend Matt, who apparently thinks that sitting with the marching band pot-heads is more fun than sitting with the people he's been friends with since kindergarten. What do I see wrong with this picture?
Other than that, it was a pretty chill day. All of geometry was spent listening to Ben, one of our more interesting class members, regale the stories of his adventures in Morocco. Then I spent most of biology drawing a portrait of Lily, as requested by her. So, all in all, pretty snazzy and very full of not-working-ness. And tomorrow I have the honor of attending my friend Betsy's third annual in-the-middle-of-the-woods-in-a-cabin birthday party. It's all much fun. Soooo....yeah! Not really all that much else to report. On a different note, was anyone else really creeped out/intrigued by the trailer to The Unborn? I really don't think they should have shown it at Twilight, because there were several pre-teen girls in attendance who I'm sure are now scarred for life by that freaky crab-walk-upide-down-head dude. Incidentally, I had a dream a few years back which had a guy in it exactly like that. Only with the face of my friend Garret. Weird.
I'm taking advantage of the fact that my seminar room has computers, I shall. So far my day has been so-so. Latin was okay, we learned about infinitives, I think...We also recieved a lengthy lecture about why we should stay in Latin for next year. Then I had choir, which, for the first time in weeks, was mostly tolerable. We learned our ISSMA pieces, FINALLY. I just realize how similar the word 'pieces' is to 'Peices'. Like, the astrological sign. Weird.
Okay, so anyway, now I'm just sitting in seminar and listening to Xenosound on my iPod...a good way to spend an otherwise unproductive hour and a half, I guess. So...yup. Life is meh.
Okay, so anyway, now I'm just sitting in seminar and listening to Xenosound on my iPod...a good way to spend an otherwise unproductive hour and a half, I guess. So...yup. Life is meh.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
My day. Mucho excitement.
I thought this could use a tad more color, so here:

Issa froggy!
I'm reeeeaally tired for some reason. So, of course, I blog instead of sleeping. My logic is staggering, no? This morning I fell down a snowy hill while taking care of my goats and chickens, so I now sport a very attractive bruise on my knee in the most lovely shades of green and purple. Ah well, at least it's pretty. Just a brief synopsis of my today:
6 AM--got up. It sucked.
6:12-- went on mad hunt trying to find my green eyeliner. Found it in the guest bathroom.
6:15--finally finished getting prettied up, ate a muffin.
6:30--Mother alerts me to the fact that there is a 2 hour delay. Was very sad I had not found this out half an hour prior.
6:45ish--checked email and blogged for about an hour, geek that I am.
7:30--went outside in 6-degree weather to feed fluffy animals.
7:32--fell down hill. Ow.
8:00--slept until 9.
9:10--almost missed bus.
10--sat in library at school with friends, tried to persuade Autumn not to use the fact that I blush easily against me.
1st period--Histoire. Mostly talked and ate pie. I like pie.
2nd--Theatre! Ate more pie, played "clumps" and got clawed by Lily, and rehearsed a fairly ridiculous children's play (Da-da-da-da-da! Da! Da!) with Molly, Gray, Lily, Taylor, Yaba, and Nick. 'Twas fun.
3rd--tried to switch out of study hall, only other choice was life-guarding, got stuck in study hall, listened to music and tried not to sleep. Pah.
4th--English. Doodled (Betsy was determined to figure out how to shade a cylinder) and half-paid attention to stories about serial killers.
After that I talked to various people, got reprimanded for "PDA", and went to musical practice, at which I found out I have a solo! With a highly irregular rhythm, albeit, but still! Woot! I be very very happy.
So. yes. Then I went home and ate pizza and did geometry. And now here I am, bloggering. Doodle oodle oodle... Not much else to report. Now, wasn't that exciting? I'm going to go and watch a PBS documentary about lead poisoning, now...
Issa froggy!
I'm reeeeaally tired for some reason. So, of course, I blog instead of sleeping. My logic is staggering, no? This morning I fell down a snowy hill while taking care of my goats and chickens, so I now sport a very attractive bruise on my knee in the most lovely shades of green and purple. Ah well, at least it's pretty. Just a brief synopsis of my today:
6 AM--got up. It sucked.
6:12-- went on mad hunt trying to find my green eyeliner. Found it in the guest bathroom.
6:15--finally finished getting prettied up, ate a muffin.
6:30--Mother alerts me to the fact that there is a 2 hour delay. Was very sad I had not found this out half an hour prior.
6:45ish--checked email and blogged for about an hour, geek that I am.
7:30--went outside in 6-degree weather to feed fluffy animals.
7:32--fell down hill. Ow.
8:00--slept until 9.
9:10--almost missed bus.
10--sat in library at school with friends, tried to persuade Autumn not to use the fact that I blush easily against me.
1st period--Histoire. Mostly talked and ate pie. I like pie.
2nd--Theatre! Ate more pie, played "clumps" and got clawed by Lily, and rehearsed a fairly ridiculous children's play (Da-da-da-da-da! Da! Da!) with Molly, Gray, Lily, Taylor, Yaba, and Nick. 'Twas fun.
3rd--tried to switch out of study hall, only other choice was life-guarding, got stuck in study hall, listened to music and tried not to sleep. Pah.
4th--English. Doodled (Betsy was determined to figure out how to shade a cylinder) and half-paid attention to stories about serial killers.
After that I talked to various people, got reprimanded for "PDA", and went to musical practice, at which I found out I have a solo! With a highly irregular rhythm, albeit, but still! Woot! I be very very happy.
So. yes. Then I went home and ate pizza and did geometry. And now here I am, bloggering. Doodle oodle oodle... Not much else to report. Now, wasn't that exciting? I'm going to go and watch a PBS documentary about lead poisoning, now...
2 hour delay...AGAIN...
Once again, we have yet another 2 hour delay for school. Frankly, I'm kind of sick of it. This means I won't have time to go get my schedule fixed today, which means I'll have to suffer through an unwanted Study Hall that they randomly gave me 3rd period. Nyar. Maybe I can fix it at lunch or something...
Wokay, there's not much to report, other than a 16 year old guy got shot by police downtown yesterday because he charged them with a knife, and I'm trying to figure out who it could be...but considering the youth in Bloomington, the possibilities are endless O_o
Oh, and happy National Bubble-bath Day!
Wokay, there's not much to report, other than a 16 year old guy got shot by police downtown yesterday because he charged them with a knife, and I'm trying to figure out who it could be...but considering the youth in Bloomington, the possibilities are endless O_o
Oh, and happy National Bubble-bath Day!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Today has been pretty snazzy. Firstly, the first thing I saw when I signed onto my blog just now was my Monet painting of the day, which happened to be my very favorite, "Water Lily Pond- Symphony in Green". So that in itself just made my day... Secondly, today at school was pretty awesome since I got to walk around dressed like an ancient Greek goddess for Latin class all day, not to mention eat some awesome food (pesto and bruscetta and tira misu, oh my!) for the party we had. The pomegranate was tasty, too, even if by eating it I condemned myself to live in the Underworld. Thirdly, rehearsal for the musical started today! So far I have a grand total of ONE line ("He sure looked upset!"), but I'm good with it. Musical season just makes me want to frolic. Though, admittedly, it does reduce my ability to have a social life to nil. I had to warn my boyfriend that today would be the last time he ever saw me in a normal state of self, at least until May. But despite the sleep deprivation, grueling rehearsals, painful and decidedly unattractive character shoes, and the endless round of inane show tunes running through your head constantly, as well as the fact that your character's personality takes you over COMPLETELY (which is almost never good, especially is your character is a perky and promiscuous secretary, as was the case of last year...), the musical is what I live for. That and olives. Finally, I have tomorrow, a gold day, to look forward to! Woot for snazziness. Snazzyness. Everydayness. Stupid spell check. Arrivederci, meus parvi piscis!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
La La La...
Well, I just finished taking my Biology final about an hour ago, and I think I did pretty well. Though, it was very sad walking into class and not seeing Altair :[ *crycrysobweep* I must say, Altair, you missed a golden opportunity to ask me about my break and make me turn magenta. Anyways, I've finally memorized my ISSMA song, which is pretty cool...ehrm...what else, what else...Oh, yeah, and tomorrow I get to walk around dressed like Persephone all day. 'Twill be fun and pomegranate-y.
It's nice to know that I'm officially done with finals until the end of the year. La la la la...My life isn't really all that exciting right now, so unless a meteor crashes through my roof in the next 4 seconds, there's nothing else to report. Later, gators (and the odd crocodile)--
It's nice to know that I'm officially done with finals until the end of the year. La la la la...My life isn't really all that exciting right now, so unless a meteor crashes through my roof in the next 4 seconds, there's nothing else to report. Later, gators (and the odd crocodile)--
Batmannish Glory!
So, I just saw The Dark Knight with my boyfriend, and holy COW was I ever missing out on some awesome Batmannish wonder. Though, admittedly, I had some issues with the clowns. Yeah, I'm one of those silly illogical people who is scared of clowns...don't scoff. They're creepy. Anyways, other than the many thugs in clown masks (Shudder...), the movie was flipping amazing. I'm really not sure how I've survived thus far without having seen it. Heath Ledger, of course, was awesome. Only one other thing bugged me though, and that was the discontinuity the movie had in relation to the classic comic-book version. For instance, (spoilers!!) Harvey Dent did NOT become 2-face in a burning incident, he had acid thrown at him while arguing a case in court! And Chief Gordon's daughter is DEFINITELY not that young. Barbara Gordon was in her teens and was Batgirl for a while, until the Joker crippled her, leaving her wheelchair-bound in an effort to torment her father out of his mind. So then she became "Oracle", who is basically a super-genius who helps Batman.
That was just my 2 cents as a Batman geek...
But yeah, other than that, 'twas amazing.
Now it's the first day back to school, but we have a 2 hour delay. Which, in all actuality, sort of pisses me off, because I just want to get it over with. Ah well. C'est la vie.
In other news, I finally got my new iPod! Whee! It's very pretty and titanium-ish. I'm also going to see Wicked on January 25th! I have been in love with Wicked since roughly 7th grade, so I'm very excited about this.
All in all, life is pretty snazzy right now. Except for my biology final. That won't be much fun.
Monday, January 5, 2009
General happiness
I'm FIIIIIINALLY going to see "The Dark Knight" today, and I'm very excited. I've been a Batman buff for quite a long time, and I've been languishing away. So yeah. That's mostly all to report as of now... oh yeah! I've just discovered the joy that is "Charlie the Unicorn 2", and I've been singing the banana song for days now.
tee hee.
tee hee.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
*Tears head off in overwhelmedness*
Hoooooooooooo boy, today was CRAZY. We had AAAAAALLLLL of our family over today. This annual gathering started off with 12:00 mass, at which I had to sing, and my family carried up the gifts to communion (I have no idea if this is just a Catholic thing or not, but I really don't fell like explaining Catholic masses...). Clara ended up not having anything to carry, so she started screaming in the middle of the church, in front of all creation. I observed all of this from the choir balcony at church, all the while trying not to yell down at her to stop crying. Well, after that little fiasco we went home and our relatives all came up from Kentucky. Every year my cousin James and I are expected to write a Christmas-y play for the littler kids to perform, and this year's was "The mystery of the stolen star". It was a freaking nightmare to organize, with a lot of fighting over costumes and not liking parts and forgetting lines and hitting people with frozen waffles and jumping on couches my brother endlessly pounding away on the drum set. Much fun, 'twas not. Though, some high points included my brother Henry in drag, playing the part of Paris Hilton, the inclusion of the line "Why so serious?" (I'm finally supposed to see The Dark Knight tomorrow, and I'm psyched!), and dancing fairies/goons. We finally got it all together and pulled it off, like we do every year, with no shortage of yelling and flinging of Nerf balls at non-compliant children. By the end of it all I was ready to tear my own head off, as well as some other people's. Though, admittedly, it was better than last year's, which was something along the lines of "A Very Chuck Norris-y Christmas On A Desert Island". I come up with strange and vaguely frightening ideas under pressure. So yeah...then we all ate cake, because it also happens to be my brother William's 9th birthday (Happy Birthday, dude!), and watched "2008: year in review" which is a photo slide-show that my aunt Meeb puts together every year. It had some pretty snazzy pictures of yours truly fighting with goats, I must say. Everyone kind of trickled out around eight, so now I can finally have some peace and quiet. Well, as peaceful and quiet as it can get with a family of 10... O_o
I'm supposed to get some pictures of all of this from Meeb, so I'll be posting those shortly.
Lah dee dah.. I think I'll go now. I have a biology final in 2 days, and I should probably study some more... unless Altair wants to tell me what's on the test? Hee just kidding. I think.
I'm supposed to get some pictures of all of this from Meeb, so I'll be posting those shortly.
Lah dee dah.. I think I'll go now. I have a biology final in 2 days, and I should probably study some more... unless Altair wants to tell me what's on the test? Hee just kidding. I think.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Twilight [spoiler alert!]
Well, I recently got back from seeing the Twilight movie. I must say, I was not all that impressed. I've read all the books, which were okay, but the was like the book only very condensed, more confusing, with less character development, and very disappointing sparkles-in-the-sun effects. Seriously, I expected some epic sparkles. But no, it just looked like he was sweaty or had been rolling around in salt or something. Sigh. I guess to compensate for all that they tried to squeeze in as many studs as possible. I mean, as if a cast full of gorgeous vampires isn't enough (though the gorgeosity of Emmet is debatable...) they had to make the werewolf pretty, too! Hearing my friends giggle and sigh over Jacob got very tiresome. And another thing about Jacob: THAT WAS NOT JACOB! HE DID NOT LOOK LIKE JACOB! ARGH! And I still can't get past the fact that they got Robert Pattinson to play Edward. I swear, throughout the movie I would look at him and the first thing that would pop into my head was "Cedric Diggory". But I s'pose that's just my Potter-headedness overriding. Grumble. Ah well, it was a slightly above-average way to spend 2-odd hours. SLIGHTLY. Though, to give it credit, I did enjoy the slightly twisted performance of Cam Gigandet, who played James, the sadistic, masochistic tracker vampire baddie. He was pretty cool and bloodthirsty. But, of course, they had to throttle him and twist his head off and burn him to pieces at the end of it all. Nyar. Ah well, c'est la vie. I must admit though, Alice did impress me with her snazzy twisting-heads-off action. Tee hee. Eeeeeeep, that there was kind of creepy, wasn't it? I s'pose I should go now. Arrivederci.
Random Ramblings
Only 3 days of break left!!!! Noooooooo! This makes me very sad, just thinking about having a whole 'nother half of school to get through... sigh. Well, at least I have the beginning of rehearsals for the musical to look forward to! I LIVE for musical season. I think it's pretty much all that gets me through the months of January through May. This year's is a production called "The Pajama Game", in which I am to play the oh-so important role of "Doris/Chorus". DORIS OF THE CHORUS! IT RHYMES! WHEE! Despite the fact that I utterly loathe the name Doris, I'm pretty jazzed. Chorus roles are much fun. Sure, they aren't as prestigious as leads, but you only have like 5 lines to memorize and you can just goof off and sing and dance!!! Woot! So yeah....not much to report. Oh, yeah, my cousin Stephanie is at my house right now...she's pretty cool, even though she's only in 5th grade. She's a lot more well-adjusted than I was in 5th grade, I'll give her that. And I peeled a good amount of the skin on my wrist off with a hot-glue gun...that was enjoyable. Must go now, there are bathrooms to be cleaned! Fahshwaaah!
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