Saturday, April 17, 2010

And now for something completely different...

It's like this blog, but better.
So read it instead of this.
For, you know, the three people who still read this.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Nyom. [I just ate you all.]

The sky is blue today.
What the helvetica am I doing on the computer?
G'bye, I'm going to go run around with some goats.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Brrr. Holy Woolen Socks, Batman!

Well, that last lil' post was an a failure, if not epic, at least of rather sizeable proportions. I've been a wicked little lass and not posted in over two months. I suppose, at best, my life is humdrum and there is therefore not much to post. And I don't think anyone even reads this anymore. [siiihihihigh.] I suppose there have been a few notable developments in my life as of December eleventh. Mostly they involve me writing songs and coloring with crayons. Crayons, I tell you. Thay are quite possibly the medium of the gods. Wonderful, waxy sticks of color. Also, silly teenaged waffle-head that I am, I am no longer "attached" to Mr. Massachusetts. This is alright, though, because he and I are still wonderful, loving, long-distance buddies. And, silly teenaged waffle-head that I am, I have another person to attach myself to. He does not live in Massachusetts. This is good. Not, of course, that I feel the need to constantly be attached to someone. No, quite the contary, I enjoy floating around, unharnessed, just as much as the next free spirit. This just happens to be the path Mr. Kismet threw me onto. It happens to be a very nice path, quite sunshiny and butterfly-filled, so I shan't complain. In other news, I have not had a full week of schooling in quite some time now. I'm thinking of sending the Winter a thank-you note. My song/poem writing has had a loverly kickstart, thanks to the wonderful musical talents of my dear friend/person-to-be-attached-to, Colin. You all who still read this [anyone? anyone out there? Hellooo? *echo! echo!*] ought to remember my poem from a while back that started out "outside is grey and I am orange, a starfish in the sea...". Below is the link, or possibly the video [provided my computer decides to cooperate], of the fresh-off-the-mill song version of it, as performed by Mr. Colin himself. I fear I can't take credit for the music part of it. That was all him. Enjoy.

Oh, computer.
On an unrelated note: the lead singer for Music Go Music is delightfully, endearingly awkward. I want to be like her.

Friday, December 11, 2009


For you Mystery Googlers out there who recieved my summons, your mission is as follows: Buy a sheet of stickers, preferably glow in teh dark. Hand them out to people at your local subway station, train station, park, whatever, along with a reminder to care for the earth and feed the dinosaurs. Then post the most interesting reaction you get from any one of these people on, as well as on a comment to this page. Or email me at to tell me about it. If you choose to accept, you will be my new friend and an awesome person. If you do not, then you must pass your mission on to another. Best of luck, comrade.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Play-Doh dinosaurs.

'Lo there, comrades.
My life has been a bucket o' busy of late. Firstly, I got a part in my school's fall play, which, while very very very fun, has sucked me dry of any free time. For those of you who have heard of it, the play is called "Rumors", by Neil Simon, and is about 4 couples who go to another couple's dinner party, only to find the hostess MIA, and the host with a bullet hole in his ear-lobe. They try to figure out what happened, and various antics and shenanigans ensue. I play Claire, the boring, gossipy upper-class socialite. Fun stuff, man.
Secondly, I've been recruited into the marching band. I play the gong, crash cymbals, and occasionally the snare drum. It's very fun, except for the fact that I am small and weak and almost incapable of handling large pieces of metal. My hands really hurt, but it's still very fun. Last week was my first competition.
It did not go well.
Not only did I totally blank on the entire first movement, I dropped the gong as I was rolling it to the playing field.
Now, here's a little multiple choice...
If you are rolling a gong down a hill and hit a rut and it begins to tip over, do you...?
a] Hold on to it tightly and calmly try to keep it from falling
b] Yell for someone to help you keep the gong from falling
c] Curse as loudly and explicitly as you can and let the gong fall, resulting in an ear-splitting crash that the whole band can hear

Obviously, the answer in this situation is C...

Fun stuff. Another thing to add to my EPIC FAIL list.

On another note, this morning I heard the following conversation:
Bleach-blond scene boy #1: "You know, you really don't look much like a guy.
BBSB #2: "Really? I always thought I had a great fashion sense..."
BBSB #1: "Well, the more you start to look like a Japanese girl, the less I can pay attention to your fashion sense."

It made me really happy.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Quails, glorious quails

My quails!

From top to bottom: Sufjan, Antoinette, Maude, and Flip [with Antoinette stealing a spot in the background.]

I just love how each of them has their own personality. Sufjan is the born leader, he always is pushing the others around and sleeps in the middle of the little nest they've consructed. Antoinette like to jump on things, and is the most trusting. Maude is the most easily scared, and likes to sit in their little house thing. She also likes to sit in the feed dish, much to the chagrin of the others. She flies the most. Flip is kind of passive and makes the lowest-pitched sounds of all of them. He really likes carrots, and the others don't.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Go to the buildings that tower above us, go to the stages and hope that they love us.

Here's a song I just unearthed from my archives, thought I'd share it.

"An Hour Left on the Highway"

1-- Give me Italian food and a cardiac stent
A Canadian dime to give our homeless kin
A good pair of shoes and a trenchcoat and sunglasses too
Beat up braincells and money to be spent
Marginally scary but I'm glad we went
Seeing blazing flares and fires to my left and right
And here we are, driving ourselves into the night

Ref-- And here we go across the world
The neon lightbulbs spin and twirl
My head is aching and I've been waiting
For a mocha and a place to focus
Screaming voices and endless choices
Laughter and disaster and inevitable noises
It's all cause we have no time to stay
And there's still an hour left on the highway

2-- Go to the buildings that tower above us
Go to the stage and hope they love us
Walk the gauntlet and look up into a hole
See the Skyway glowing yellow and red
See the steel and fiberglass mess with your head
Give the toll booth girl in the white gloves a five dollar bill
And when the batteries die, hope you have the memories still

Bridge-- And then your lipstick bleeds and the music dies
And your fantasy fades and the babies cry
And you take off your glasses and you finally see
That you have to pay to have reality
And the road gets bumpy and you bite your toungue
And you wait for tomorrow but it never comes
And through all this you hope and pray
That you'll make it through this hour left on the highway.

This came from an excruciatingly tiring car ride with my family as we traveled home from Chicago. I wrote it in the car at around midnight by the light of a Nintendo DS in an old sketchbook to the tune of screming 5 year olds.
Such fun.