Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Brrr. Holy Woolen Socks, Batman!

Well, that last lil' post was an a failure, if not epic, at least of rather sizeable proportions. I've been a wicked little lass and not posted in over two months. I suppose, at best, my life is humdrum and there is therefore not much to post. And I don't think anyone even reads this anymore. [siiihihihigh.] I suppose there have been a few notable developments in my life as of December eleventh. Mostly they involve me writing songs and coloring with crayons. Crayons, I tell you. Thay are quite possibly the medium of the gods. Wonderful, waxy sticks of color. Also, silly teenaged waffle-head that I am, I am no longer "attached" to Mr. Massachusetts. This is alright, though, because he and I are still wonderful, loving, long-distance buddies. And, silly teenaged waffle-head that I am, I have another person to attach myself to. He does not live in Massachusetts. This is good. Not, of course, that I feel the need to constantly be attached to someone. No, quite the contary, I enjoy floating around, unharnessed, just as much as the next free spirit. This just happens to be the path Mr. Kismet threw me onto. It happens to be a very nice path, quite sunshiny and butterfly-filled, so I shan't complain. In other news, I have not had a full week of schooling in quite some time now. I'm thinking of sending the Winter a thank-you note. My song/poem writing has had a loverly kickstart, thanks to the wonderful musical talents of my dear friend/person-to-be-attached-to, Colin. You all who still read this [anyone? anyone out there? Hellooo? *echo! echo!*] ought to remember my poem from a while back that started out "outside is grey and I am orange, a starfish in the sea...". Below is the link, or possibly the video [provided my computer decides to cooperate], of the fresh-off-the-mill song version of it, as performed by Mr. Colin himself. I fear I can't take credit for the music part of it. That was all him. Enjoy.


Oh, computer.
On an unrelated note: the lead singer for Music Go Music is delightfully, endearingly awkward. I want to be like her.