Here's a song I just unearthed from my archives, thought I'd share it.
"An Hour Left on the Highway"
1-- Give me Italian food and a cardiac stent
A Canadian dime to give our homeless kin
A good pair of shoes and a trenchcoat and sunglasses too
Beat up braincells and money to be spent
Marginally scary but I'm glad we went
Seeing blazing flares and fires to my left and right
And here we are, driving ourselves into the night
Ref-- And here we go across the world
The neon lightbulbs spin and twirl
My head is aching and I've been waiting
For a mocha and a place to focus
Screaming voices and endless choices
Laughter and disaster and inevitable noises
It's all cause we have no time to stay
And there's still an hour left on the highway
2-- Go to the buildings that tower above us
Go to the stage and hope they love us
Walk the gauntlet and look up into a hole
See the Skyway glowing yellow and red
See the steel and fiberglass mess with your head
Give the toll booth girl in the white gloves a five dollar bill
And when the batteries die, hope you have the memories still
Bridge-- And then your lipstick bleeds and the music dies
And your fantasy fades and the babies cry
And you take off your glasses and you finally see
That you have to pay to have reality
And the road gets bumpy and you bite your toungue
And you wait for tomorrow but it never comes
And through all this you hope and pray
That you'll make it through this hour left on the highway.
This came from an excruciatingly tiring car ride with my family as we traveled home from Chicago. I wrote it in the car at around midnight by the light of a Nintendo DS in an old sketchbook to the tune of screming 5 year olds.
Such fun.