Sunday, June 28, 2009

Silly me! Silly, silly, happy, stupid, ridiculous me!

Guess what!
Guess WHAT?!
Emily has a booooyfriend!
Emily has a boooooooyfriend!
Who lives in North Caroliiiiina!
Which is really far from Indiaaaaaana!
But is still Emily's boooooyfriend!
Now that I have THAT out of my system, let's review here, shall we? so right now I'm in Philly with mi padre y mi hermanos [thus ends my Spanish vocabulary] and I'm having much fun with the cable tv and high-speed hotel wi-fi. To explain the little jingle up there, I seem to find myself in a long-distance relationship with a guy I met over [you guessed it] Facebook! Whoohoo!
Before you get the wrong impression here, He's friends with one of my good freinds who used to live in North Carolina, and we've been electronically conversing for about 3 months-ish now [truly, it is the 21st century], so I'm fairly confident he's not actually the proverbial 50-year-old pedophile man who wants to assault pretty little girls like me via online chat rooms and all that dangerous stuff.
Fairly confident. One can't be too sure, mmm?
So oui. Emily over here is pretty happy about all this. Oh, and his name is Abraham. How cool is that? I thought they stopped naming kids that right around the invention of the TV or electric egg beater or Flapper dress or something. Which, don't get me wrong, is fantastic. Emily loves the vintageish. Plus he writes pretty stuff.
Moving on from Emiloo's boy drama and stuff.
Let me see...what else is there to talk about. Oh! Art museum! Yay!
Henwin and Samwise [my magic pig and hobbit] and I went to this superly amazazing art museum today. I saw my faaaaavorite Picasso and Monet paintings eeeever [all in the same place! What are the odds??] which brought me great joy, and...
Oh. Emiloo has to go.
People waiting in line to use computers.
But I promise I will return, my dahlings.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Bulgarians are pretty cool. So are these things:

Life in nutshell:
Vacation to Lake Michigan=Awesome.
Sunburn= Not so much.
Attractive males in vicinity=Nil.
Tom Hanks=Amazing.
Peeling skin=Not very amazing.
Jesus Camp=Fun, mostly.
Meeting new people from far off places such as Arkansas and Missouri at Jesus Camp=Wonderful.
Church 3 times a day=Sore knees.
One bread, One cup, TWO tents.
Seminarians and Monks=Very funny people.
John= No match for the Blue Trolls.
Gracey Goodness!
Chocolate Syrup!
Bruce Almighty!
Beauty and the Beast=Something to be very excited for!

And there we are!

Sunday, June 14, 2009


I'm baaaaaack from vacaaaaation! Here are the things that I learned while visiting the lovely Lake Michigan.
-No matter how much you Febreeze the couches in the rented beach house, they will obstinately continue to smell like mouse urine.
- It's darned cold up there.
-Falling asleep in the sun for 3 hours without waterproof sunscreen can result in a wicked all-over burn. Owwie.
- Cable television is glorious! Watching Nick at Nite until 2 in the Ace of Cakes marathon... Lifetime movies...the joy, the joy!
- Michigan City has an astounding lack of teenage boys. Go figure.
-It's called "The Windy City" for a reason. Don't wear short skirts while touring Chicago unless you want to pull a Marilyn-Monroe-holding-dress-down pose every few seconds...
-"Screwdriver Sandpiper" will be found hiding underneath the scarf on your bed.
- Sitting on the railing of your room's own personal balcony is a great way to spur sketch inspiration.
- While Chicago is marginally scary, it has some great record shops.
- Getting a mocha in Chicago is surprisingly darned hard to do. Jeez...
- Pardon my sacrilege, but Sufjan Stevens is the Lord Almighty.

Jeez. I haven't been on the computer in a week, and yet I'm getting the whole "Get offline go outside Nyah" thing...and I'll be outside for a week, computerless, starting tomorrow....arrrrrgh.