Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Metaphorically whimsical.

The first thing I saw when I looked out the window this morning was my two goats running in obsessive-compulsive circles. It was amusing.
Today would have been inordinately boring had it not been for the fact that I am wearing magenta lipstick and a purple hat. Not to mention a chartreuse shirt and the typical red shoes. Oh yes. Nothing can be boring when you have a purple hat. Except maybe waiting rooms or standardized tests. But other than that...
So, seeing as nothing hugely phenomenal happened today, I'm going to fill up this blog with my random spontaneous poetry of the day:

Outside is grey and I am orange
A starfish in the sea
An iridescent plane above
A balloon in a tree
Up above me birds are flying
I join their reverie
Down below me flowers sprout
I jump into their leaves.

I'm a lost hat in the river
I'm a zeppelin in the rain
I'm a windblown paper bag
I'm graffiti on a train
A dandelion in your garden
A stubborn spot of oil paint
A piece of sea glass in the sand
I'm the incarnate of strange

The world is deep and darkly blue
And I'm a shard of light
A piece of fire falling slowly
Through an endless void of night
To my left I see a shadow
I see zombies on my right
Looking back, the memories haunt me
I must go forward and take flight

A flamingo with the geese
Living among the dead
An island in a stormy ocean
Within the white, bright red
Dancing to my own concerto
Singing in my head
Going where the breezes blow me
Never being led

Wow. That there was pretty good, for having come up with it in 15 minutes just now. Crayyyzeee.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Once more, with feeling.

Alright, so that last attempt at "Le Random Topic" failed epically. So. Lemme try that again. Random topic: MONKEYS!
You can't get any more random that a monkey. Monkeys are amazing. In fact, I'm watching Curious George right now, and it's one random movie. My dad loves monkeys. My whole family is a big monkey house. We even have family jokes about monkeys, like "Monkey:The Musical" and "What does a Marmoset say"? among other things. I think it's appalling how they eat monkeys in some countries. Cats, I can handle. Dogs, sure. Goats...well, it's pushing it, but yeah. MONKEYS? Naw. You can't eat a monkey! They' babies. And you can't eat babies. Well, I guess you COULD, like that one guy in like the 1700s who wrote a satirical essay about it....anyways. So yeah, monkeys are cool. Apparently someone in my friend's neighborhood OWNS a monkey. man, how cool would that be? That would be the shiz.
Okay. I'm bored with monkeys. i practically live in a monkey house as it is. So. New topic?
Russian children's songs! Man, are they screwed up or what? There's this one i found that goes "Sleep, sleep sleep. Do not lay too close to the bed's side or a grey wolf will bite you."
Wow. THAT would be a nice thought to go to bed on... Though, I suppose it isn't much better than "don't let the bedbugs bite".
Ah, what am I saying, of COURSE it's worse. Bedbug....wolf. Wolf....bedbug. Hmmm. Take your pick. I choose the buggies.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Petticoats rock my socks, or lack thereof.

It was like 85 degrees outside today, I was so happy. Of course, I didn't realize this until like 2:30 when we got out of school, since they perpetually keep the interior of the school set at a rather frosty temperature. Sigh. Not a whole lot happened today [so why on earth am I blogging about it? The world may never know...] except that my Geometry teacher had an extra veggie tray lying around so I got to eat bell peppers and carrots all through 3rd period. It brought me great joy. Since that was the most exciting thing that happened to me today, I'm going to pick a random topic and talk about it for a while. Now, lessee...Topic, topic, topic...
Well, I cannot think of a random topic, and my allotted internet time just ran out. So. For now, my loves, arrivederci.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

It's over! It's over! Strong Bad Says it's over! It's over! It's over! Everyone died 'cept me!

Well, dearies, what shall I tell you this fine Well, the remaining performances of The Pajama Game went very well, indeed... and the cast party was very enjoyable. Mostly it was just me and about 6 other people sitting on a playground in the rain and exploring. And not smoking weed, as many assume. I'm so glad musical is I have time to eat and sleep! woot! Ummm...I do believe I'm over my post-breakup angst...bout time, too. It's been nearly a month. Here is my final mentioning of Brian in this blog, for all the world to see: He is a stupidly immature egotistical irritating flounder with the emotional capacity of a teaspoon, to quote Harry Potter.
So nuff of that...
Mi familia came over last weekend for my brother William's First Communion and my play; that was a lot of fun.
And now my mom is telling me to get off the computer, so I will finish this here post later. Bye.

OOooooookay, I'm back. So. Random thought for the day: I really want to get started fixin up my van... it's a 1985 Volkswagon Vanagon. Right now it only runs a little [BUT IT RUNS!]'ll need a new battery and an oil change, for sure, and I'll probably get some new tires and hubcaps while I'm at it. I also need to put the dashboard back on, I have no idea what the dolt who owned it last was trying to do... OH! and I'm going to paint it epically. I'm already designing the mural. And once we get that baby running...well, I'll have to learn to drive stick I guess...but I plan on taking it to next year's [or the year after's] Bonnaroo festival. My friend Korrine offered to pay for my food if I take her with. So. I'll start planning that epic adventure right now.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Clip-on earings hurt.

Week in a nutshell:
--Mon, Tues, Wed- Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse. There us a reason "rehearse" has the word "hearse" in it...
--Thurs-Opening night. AAAAAAAHHHHH! Much panicking and tears, but it went fairly well.
--Fri-second show, much better than the first. Nearly broke my dancing partner, actually DID break my dress. Flashing the audience was only narrowly avoided. Woohoo!
--Sat-Third performance. Went pretty well, had good energy. Cast-wide panic sessions when we discovered the dressing rooms were locked.
--Sun-EASTER! I CAN EAT MEAT AGAIN! WAAAHOOOO! Feasted on beef jerky and chocolate eggs while working on my Latin project.

Monday, April 6, 2009

All in all it's just another brick in the wall...

This week is what I like to call "hell week", aka, DRESS REHEARSALS. (Cue the ominous organ music and shrieks...)
Today's rehearsal was god freaking awful. The set kept malfunctioning, the people in the pit were talkative, our leading lady was on the verge of tears the whole time, we all were dying of aerosol inhalation form the other words, it was perfectly normal. Go figure. They say that the worse the rehearsals are, the better the shows will I think we're set for a Tony-worthy show here.
I'm sooooo stressed out. Again. No amount of sitting in my room with a bowl of edemame and Pink Floyd will help me now...I've gone off the edge.
In other news, I think The Wall is now officially one of my favorite albums ever. It's terrifyingly genius. Or just terrifying. Not sure yet. But god. It's so good. You all who see this should try reading The Bell Jar (one of my favorite books) and listening to The Wall at the same time. It's an epic experience. I highly recommend it. Unless you are suicidal/depressed/psychotic. Then it might just make you more suicidal/depressed/psychotic. Reading about someone going crazy and listening to someone going crazy just might have some adverse effects...I being probably the best proof of that. *Maniacal Giggles*
Okay. so. I just finished my homework (at 12:22 AM...), so it's sleepy time for Emmy. Later, gators.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Sleep would be nice...

I am not a happy camper. In fact, if I was a camper, I would be in a moldy tent, sitting in the rain in the cold mountains of Mosquitoland being chased by angry bears and fruit flies, with nothing to eat but uncooked mutton and paper. That's how ridiculously stressful my life has been. On top of the whole I-still-love-the-guy-who-dumped-me-even-though-he's-an-immature-arse thing and musical, I have had a lot of homework and quizzes and tests. It's like there's some sadistic demon out there, looking down on my puny existence and saying "Hmmm, now how much stuff can we throw at Emily before she snaps?" The answer: not much more. Even wearing bright orange leg warmers and having some oriental flavored ramen has not made my day any better. In English we read this short story called "Love in 6 Acts", and it was talking about how love is something to work at and you shouldn't let it go and give up once it gets a little hard and the novelty is lost, and how if you are with someone who loves you and is good to you, you should work all the harder at loving them even if you don't think you do for their sake, and how it takes a mature person to love, etc. etc..... It made me really mad, mostly because Brian was not paying ANY attention to the story. No, instead he was on the computer, probably lusting after pictures of Megan Fox or somthing...And gosh darnit, he could have taken a leaf out of that book. That information would do him some good, or at least make him feel a little guiltier....
Unfortunatly, I've told him that I'm not mad at him and I'm entirely over it all....which is not at all true....So I can't go and wallop him out of the blue without totally freaking him out. The last thing I want to be is the proverbial crazy bipolar revenge-seeking murderous emotional ex...So I try to keep my act together around him. Which is why, dear blog, you get to bear the brunt of all my complaints. Now, don't you feel special?
The fact that I havn't gotten more than 5 hours of sleep a night for the past 2 weeks doesn't help much either...musical is gonna be the death of me. Sigh.
Ah, but I said I would talk about my children's play last time, did I not? Okay, dearies, here's the lowdown of Monday and Tuesday:
We all get on a bus (and by we all I mean all 8 of us actors and "Momma Pratt") and drive to Childs Elementary, where we perform our first glorious play. I want to slap the little blond in front who says that we suck because we go to North High School ("But no offense!!!"). It goes well, for the most part. After that we go downtown and eat at the Bloomington Bagel Company before sitting outside Pygmalian's and talking about how our lives are awful. I'm sure we all looked like we were on about 5 kinds of drugs, dressed in our costumes, downtown on a school day. The chocolate covered espresso beans didn't help with that perception. We get back on the bus escolar and perform the play again , this time at Marlin Elementary. The kids there are super cute, asking questions like "What's a sophomore?" and "Are you guys gonna be on Broadway?" and "What was the purpose?"
Then we go back to school and sleep in the black box and play with glitter and waltz.
A lot more tired than on Monday, we sleepily board the bus to Grandview Elementary. They have a kick-arse stage. It kind of makes me want to die of happiness a little. After we perform the play, we answer questions ("How old are you?" "Do you know a guy named Chad?") and sit and talk for like half an hour, waiting for the bus. Then we go back downtown for lunch. Molly and I go to Bloomingfood's and get vegan sushi, quinoa salad, and some sort of greek pita thing. We eat it at the library and arevery happy. Then we meet up with everyone else at Cafe Pizzaria, eat more chocolate coveres espresso beans (I don't know how I didn't die of caffiene overload, I ate so many...), and talk with Momma Gray. She tells me that Brian is an arse and she "wouldn't want any daughter of mine dating him." I am happy. Then we perform once more, for the last time at Fairview (aka the ghetto school :/) and get questions like "did you use AK-47s or a 45mm to shoot those Nazis?". It makes us a wee bit worried.
Then back to the black box to sleep. Whoot!
Oh, have I even told y'alls what the play is even about? Goodness, how rude of me....
It's called "Ernie's Incredible Illucinations", and it's about this littl eboy (Ernie) who imagines things. Only when he imagines these things, they happen. For example: he imagines that Nazis are attackin ghis house. They do. It freaks his parents out, so he shoots them with an imaginary AK-47 (or was it a 45mm?). Then he imagines his great-aunt is a champion boxer, that there is a spy and myriad dead people in the library, and that his mousy father is a Superman-meets-James-Bond mountain climber. And so on and so forth. It's very cute, and very entertaining. We only had like 8 people in our cast, so a bunch of us had many parts. I mayself was, all at once, the director, a Nazi, a sick person in a doctor's office, and mountain, a spy-guy/hobo, a carny, and a flautist. Whoooohoo!
It was all very stressful. Fun, but stressful.
I need sleep.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Musical is eating my soul.

Or it would, if I HAD a soul. Okay, Musical is eating my dark, cold space within me that sometimes pretends to be a soul on weekends and during sad movies. Seriously, I am so worn out....Emotionally as well as physically. Wheeeeeeew. Opening night is on the 9th! Ahhhhhh! You should all come and see it, it will be wonderful. Well, actually, it will be campy and cheesy and inane, but hey, it's a 1950s musical! What do you expect? But enough of my complaining--here's what's going down with the rest of my life...
A] I got new glasses! Whee! They are red and orange and purple and lovely.
B] I'm on speaking terms with the ex again. The first thing I've said to him after a week of cold, angry silence was "do you have a calculator?". Go figure.
C] Did I mention that I am crazy tired and have a ridiculous amount of work to do?!
D] The chillen's plays went really well. I'll report more on that later, right now I am falling asleep. *Zombie walks to room*